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As I have done for the last few days, the first thing I do when I open my eyes from sleeping and get my bearings is reach to the bedside table for my phone. I've done it for the last few days now. To see if Hero has messaged me. He's always up so much earlier than me. Although, I'm still in the summer holidays and when I return to my normal routine of going to work, it's likely we'll be getting up around the same time. It's such an odd thought to have. I can imagine that he's up so early because of his daughter. Kids get up early, don't they? I always did and Katherine too.

Hero doesn't really talk about his little girl. Not that I'd expect him to. I think her name is Mila, but I could be wrong. My knowledge is primarily on him and his football career. Obviously, I know the rest of his story but he's managed to keep his little girl out of the spotlight. In my eyes, it's completely understandable. I'd probably do the same if I were known and had a child. I think any parent would. Privacy is something everyone is entitled to. No matter how well you're known.

Pulling the charger out of the bottom of my phone to detach it from the wire, I roll onto my back and hold the phone above me. As I expected - and hoped - a notification rests on my Home Screen. I've saved his number now, but I've saved his contact just as HFT. I found it easier for some reason and oddly right. His message was only sent about five minutes ago which is good. It's like he knows my wake up routine - or the one I'm in currently. Again, I can't help but notice the strangeness of my thoughts. I'm thinking and acting like I know him when in reality, I only know about him and have his phone number. There's a big difference between knowing someone and knowing about them. That applies here, massively.

My thumb slides across the screen, unlocking my phone from the night and our message threads open.

Good morning :)

Smiling, my fingers automatically start to type a message back. I can't help but notice the smile that grows across my face as I type. It always happens...

Good morning :) you've probably been up for hours. I'm just waking up now.

Hitting send, I realise I haven't put our usual smiley face sign-off at the end of the message. Although it's in the message, so that's okay. It's something I initiated without even meaning to. I stand out of bed and pull the duvet back into place then grab my robe, wrapping myself in it. Taking hold of my phone I drop it into my pocket and pace out of my bedroom and to the kitchen. I need a coffee to get going in the morning because I plan on just finishing off my plans today for the first half of the term back in school. It's back to reality on Monday for me and while I'm looking forward to it, I'll miss the freedom I have during summer. But half-semester will be here before I know it, it always is.

Heading over to the kettle, just as I begin to fill it with water to boil a buzz in my pocket, vibrating against my thigh grabs my attention. Instinctively, I reach into my pocket and open the message. The smile creeps across my face again.

Yeah, early wake up call this morning. I'm training pretty much all day. Do you have any plans today?

The kettle boils in the background but I'm too focused on typing my reply. My coffee craving will have to wait until I've finished typing my response.

Other than planning lessons, there's nothing else on my plate really. I am going out to dinner with my friend Mia tonight in Leicester Square though. I'm looking forward to that :)

I begin to make my coffee, starting with pouring milk over the coffee in the mug before topping it up with the boiling water. I always make sure I stir the spoon while pouring, it keeps the coffee nice and smooth. I can't wait to go out with Mia tonight. It's been a good few weeks since I last saw her. But this is something we always do in the summer. A little tradition I suppose. As I finish making my coffee, my phone vibrates again and the screen lights up.

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