Only If You're Sure

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Wiping the towel over the plate I used for my pasta bake dinner, my MacBook begins to sound the all familiar FaceTime tone from by the couch. I pace over, collecting the computer before placing it on the counter and accepting the call, excited to see the two faces on the other side.

"Well, this is a nice surprise," I smile, leaning down on the counter. Hero texted me earlier saying Mila wanted to ask something of me but not over text, so I told him to FaceTime after dinner and before her bedtime. To be honest, we've kinda dropped the FaceTiming seeing as we see each other almost every weekend and text often.

"Yeah, it's nice to see you in the week for a change. You good?" I nod yes, sighing.

"Yeah, I'm good. You?" he nods yes, telling me that he's just going to get Mila. I'm assuming she's upstairs playing in her bedroom. He stands and disappears from the usual kitchen counter we sit at when we dine and I hear his voice in the distance call her name. The screen stays as it is for a short while before I hear him tell her I'm on FaceTime. Even from a distance, I hear her gasp and the scurrying of little feet draws closer before she appears on screen, climbing onto the barstool.

"Princess Jo!"

"Hi, sweet pea. How are you?" Rather than sit down, Hero stays standing behind her but leans in so I can see them both.

"Good, I want to ask you something," she looks over her shoulder to Hero, smiling excitedly. Their smiles are so similar, his mirrors hers.

"So I believe. Ask away, princess," she turns her head back around to the camera and I wait expectantly. I've no idea what she's going to ask me, I suspect it's something different to am I going down this weekend. I'm barely here on a weekend now. It's not really big enough for three of us and it doesn't have any of Mila's things to keep her occupied.

"Daddy's playing football tomorrow. Will you come and watch it with me?" Wait, what? I feel my head pull back like I'm attached to a string as my eyes widen in surprise. Has she asked me to go to the match with her? As in go to the London Stadium and watch Hero and West Ham play Chelsea?

"You want me to go to the match with you, sweet pea?" Eagerly, Mila nods yes, quickly looking at her father before moving back to me.

"Usually, Auntie Mercy comes with me. But I want you to come tomorrow," is it wrong I have no idea how to answer? Is Hero okay with this? He'd be leaving his daughter with me. On our own, in a stadium, I've never been in. Granted, Mila has been in there probably countless amounts of times but she's four. I'm twenty-four.

"Have you asked your daddy about this?" I do my best to keep my tone of voice even and somewhat serious. I'd be on my own with her. Hero seems more than calm. His serene expression behind his daughter confirms she's already spoken to him about this. I've no idea what the fuck to say. This was the last thing I expected to hear from her when I found out she wanted to ask me something.

"She has. And I'm fine with it if you are?" Fuck... They're both two steps ahead of me. Not that that surprises me. Not one bit. He trusts me with his daughter. That means... A lot.

"Only if you're sure, Hero?"

"I am. And so are you, aren't you, princess?" Mila nods excitedly, looking at me and then at her dad. I'd get to go and watch him, be in the stands, soaking up the stadium's atmosphere all while having his daughter with me. It's an opportunity and something I simply can't pass up. I love spending time with her, even if it's something crazily mundane like curling up or watching TV. But it's the truth and I know I'd have a great night with her by my side.

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