That's... Different

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Pacing down the corridor towards the stairs, I peek my head into Mila's bedroom. Seeing - as I fully expected - she's still flat out asleep. As always, her arm rests on the pillow above her head, her eyes closed, her long lashes caressing her cheeks and her little mouth forming the perfect 'o' just like her mother's did when she slept. She looks so peaceful and angelic when she sleeps. It's hard to imagine the little angel sleeping right now is the blonde bundle of energy that always runs into my bedroom in the morning to come and see me. I knew she wouldn't last night because we ate so late we had a late night together watching TV. She fell asleep against me on the couch, her head resting on my chest. But that was a good few hours after she usually goes asleep so she's probably just making up for lost time.

I close the door over carefully and wander down the stairs, passing Sara's table and wishing her good morning as I go. Me and Mila have a tradition day ahead today. Every following Sunday after I've played a football match because we get the day off as a day of rest, we go into central London together and have a daddy-daughter day. Today, I'm taking her to Covent Garden, her favourite place in London. Anyone would think she's a tourist and doesn't live on the outskirts of London but considering we rarely go she gets all excited.

I reach for the kettle and fill it with water before pushing the switch down, setting it to boil. Just as I lift my own mug out, I hear the pitter patter of footsteps against the oak wood floor. She's up.

"Morning, princess," Mila wanders around the breakfast bar to me quietly. She wraps her arms around my waist as best she can while leaning her head onto my hip.

"Morning, daddy. We've not had a snuggle," I can't help but smile. Looking down at her I reach down and lift her into my arms. Her little legs wrap around my waist as her arms clasp around my neck. She buries her head in the crook of my neck and I feel her little smile grow against me.

"Ohh, someone's very cuddly this morning. Did you sleep okay, darling?" She nods against me but stays quiet.

"I went into your room and you weren't there. I wanted a snuggle with you,"

"Ohh I'm sorry, sweetheart. We have our daddy-daughter day today. We're going to your favourite place," Mila lifts her head up to look at her, a sleepy smile slowly growing across her face.

"We're going to Covent Garden?"

"Yeah. And we'll go to that nice little pastry place you like, we'll go for a wander around the markets and the stores. Then, how about Planet Hollywood for lunch, depending on time?" Mila's smile widens, brightening the room for me as she begins to nod yes profusely.

"That sounds perfect. Thank you, daddy," she snuggles herself against me again, laying her head on my shoulder.

"You're welcome, princess. Do you want a cup of tea?"

"Yes please."

After I've made our cups of tea with Mila still attached to my chest, I take hold of both cups and walk over to the couch in the living area. Sitting down, I settle Mila in my lap.

"Let me know if you want some tea," she nods, resettling herself against me. She's really missed our morning snuggle. It's something I look forward to every time I wake up. Holding her like this reminds me of when she was a baby. How she used to fit in my arms. She was the length of my forearm when she was born. What I'd do to go back to then and just stay in that moment. A moment where I felt like I was on top of the world for so many reasons. Seeing how strong Sara was during her labour and making me a father. Then within weeks, that moment and spectacle were dragged away from us and I felt like I'd been plunged into the depths of hell.

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