Not Like Him

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We may have had a crazily early wake-up call but I wouldn't change it. Even if my back is slightly achy now. Waking up, and doing that with Hero is something I look forward to whenever I'm here. It's almost a dead cert, it's the safest time for us to do anything like that without worrying about Mila.

The way he held me against him, how gentle he was with me. It's scary how easily I lose myself in him. Every movement is always so intentional and measured. I may have been laying down but I could feel his greens piercing into me, watching me as he moved inside me. I really need that doctor's appointment, I want to feel him properly again. He purposefully bought ultra-thin feeling condoms purely for the reason we wanted it to be like it was the first time. But that's riding on my doctor's accommodating me and giving me an appointment. Which I'm hoping I'll get sorted out sooner rather than later.

My body is so used to him now. Every time I'm with him, it's nothing but pure pleasure. He knows how to work every part of me with such ease and finesse. It's like he's done it for years when in reality, it's only a few months. Sex with Hero feels like so much more than just sex. What we share is much more emotive and tender than anything I've ever felt before. How he can bring us both to climax is what baffles me. That's never happened with anyone else I've been unfinished and they've had to help me get my high after theirs. Or the majority of them just didn't and went to sleep, leaving me hanging. But that doesn't happen with Hero. He helps me get there, with him. Both of us have always fallen together. Just how it should be. It's like nothing I've ever felt before.

It sounds ridiculous and unbelievably farfetched because he is who he is but I'm falling for him. Completely. Head over heels. He's so good. In so many ways. When I penned my letter to him, all those months ago, I really thought I had a good grasp of his character. But I was so wrong. He's so much more than I thought he was. I thought I knew him then but now, I really do. And I can't stop falling for him. Everything he does I fall for him a little bit more. And Mila, well, equally I'm as smitten with her too. With both of them. I didn't know it was so easy to fall so quickly. I've never been in love with anyone before. I thought I had but Hero and Mila have again proven me wrong. I can only imagine that this is what it feels like. It's so overwhelming and consuming but in the best way possible.

My alarm rings through the room as does Hero's. Both bleep in tandem, alerting us it's time to get up. We must've fallen asleep after our impromptu activities. My head is still on his chest and his arms are still wrapped around me.

"Good morning. Again," his voice is deeper as it was before and still laced with sleep. I smile against him, a low rumble rising from his chest as I push up off him, both of us sitting up. He pulls me to his side and places a kiss on the top of my head.

"This makes a nice change waking up with you like this on a weekday. Do you think the team would mind if I just stayed here with you today?" Smiling, I lift my head up to him before I nod.

"I do think they'd mind. Do I need to remind you who you're playing next Wednesday?" He laughs, his tongue peeking out over his bottom lip before his teeth bite down. Jesus, I could go again with him, gladly.

"Sadly no. I need to have a shower, would you mind waking Mila for me?" Shaking my head no, I reach up and place a kiss on his cheek before pulling the duvet off my legs. I grab the shorts I removed earlier and pull them on, feeling Hero watching me from behind.

"Personally, I think you should have stayed like that,"

"And give your daughter the shock of her life? No thanks," both of us laugh as I stand. Before I walk away, Hero takes my hand in his, placing a kiss on the back.

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