What A Way

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Warmth engulfs me as my eyes begin to flutter open and closed, waking up from the deep night's sleep I was just in. Instantly, my mind reels back to what happened last night. So unexpectedly but so wanted too. Since I saw her walk through the archway, carrying Mila I yearned to touch her. To feel her. All of her. But I had to know she was okay with me doing that. Peppering small touches against her last night, on her arms, her back and when I could, her legs. All night, she pressed her thighs together tightly and that told me silently she wanted more. And there was no way I was passing up that or denying her.

Seeing her lay against me, how her full lips form a perfectly round 'o' as she searched for breath. The way she felt around me, how she surprised me being bare, how when she came on my command her back arched away from me. She crumbled in my arms and I forgot how good it feels to make someone else feel like that. For them to succumb to your touch and will completely. She felt... amazing. It was much more than I remember it to be which - I won't lie - both terrifies me and excites me. Even after that, everything so easy with her. This is meant to be, I'm sure of it. And I certainly wouldn't say no to doing that to her again or anything else she wanted. To see her like that was pleasure enough for me.

Her head rests on my chest while her soft hands trace lazy circles on my belly. I know she's awake, she wouldn't be doing this otherwise. She's a heavy sleeper, seemingly, just like me.

"Good morning, funny girl," her head lifts up to me, a sleepy smile on her face but her eyes say something different. Something mischievous.

"Good morning," she lifts herself up slowly and places her lips on mine. Her hands gently comb through the sides of my hair. What a way to wake up. Pulling away, she hides her head and slowly, the tips of her fingers glide down the front of my belly edging alarmingly close to the waistband of my shorts. This is almost identical to what I was doing to her last night...

"What do you think you're doing, Miss Langford?" I feel her smile against my chest before she places a soft kiss there, keeping her head hidden.


"Really?" I don't hide the sarcasm in my voice. I know what she's up to. It's not hard to guess...

"I feel like I should repay you for last night," softly her hand pushes down over the waistband of my shorts to ghost over where my body is already more than awake. I don't miss the sultry tone her voice has turned to. Last night she could barely talk... And now I'm the one who's lost for words. Even through my shorts, the heat that follows her touch is scorching.

Pulling her onto me as her hand travels back up, I sit myself up in the middle of the bed, my arms wrapping around her back. At this angle, I have to look up at her. Her legs rest at either side of my hips, if she lowered just a fraction, she'd feel me and I'd feel her. And fuck knows where that would lead us...

"You never have to repay me for that. I did that because I wanted to... And because I could tell how much you wanted that as well," her twinkling, mischievous eyes connect with mine, still, the silent, rogue thoughts of what she wants to do are undoubtedly coursing through her mind.

"Well, what if I want to?" She wants to... Who the fuck am I to say no to her and what she's offering? Slowly, unwrapping my arms from around her back, I place them behind me, stretched out as I lean back onto them.

"I'm all yours, Miss Langford," hungrily, smiling softly, she leans down to join our lips and I push up to meet her halfway. Our lips lock with perfect synchronicity like we've done this a million times over in the past. Her hands scrape through my hair, her nails raking against my scalp sending shivers down my spine. Goosebumps rise on my skin in their wake but all I'm feeling is a burning heat. For her. The funny, Australian girl sitting astride me. Owning me without actually even doing anything other than being herself.

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