It Really Happened

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I'm surrounded by a familiar, citrus-scented warmth that's grown to become such a comfort for me over the last few months. Hero. My back is flush with his front, our skin still on one another's and our legs curled up around each others. His strong arms hold me to him, they're wrapped tightly around my waist, keeping me in place. I can feel his warm, even breath fanning across my bare back. He's still asleep but after last night's events, that's no surprise to me.

I've not moved a muscle, I can't. But I know I'm going to be both sore and achy. Last night was... indescribable. I've never felt so close to someone. Ever. I expected him to be so bold and confident but during our time together, there was a vulnerability about him. He trusted me, completely. Just as I did him.

The way he held me, how gentle and careful he was. With every movement and caress of his gentle hands, he had my needs and well-being at the forefront of his mind. Anyone would have thought he was taking my virginity with how careful he was. He treated me as though I were made of glass. His eyes never left mine once, I could feel his greens searing into me at every moment. I perhaps should have prepared more because I selfishly wanted him too this weekend. Maybe I should have bought a pack of condoms or something or got myself on the pill just to be on the safe side but I was beyond glad he agreed with my idea of the morning after pill. Which we'll get today when he wakes. As soon as he was inside me, holy fuck, I've never felt anything quite like it.

Don't get me wrong, it hurt. Three years is a long time to not have anyone. But despite it being both our first times in a long time, granted for completely different reasons, he worked my body like a pro. Like he's done it a million times before. Every touch, every caress, every lick, every thrust held something more behind it. Pushing both our bodies toward an unbelievable and completely unexpected climax. I'd never orgasmed from sex, it's always been stimulation that's got me there. But he worked my body so well he pushed me to the edge with him as he fell to pieces in my arms. I couldn't read his expression when he knew I was close, a part of me thinks he didn't expect it. I certainly didn't.

He was so... good. In so many ways. He was so careful and attentive with me. That's never happened to me before. Sex, on the few occasions I've had it, has always been a means to an end. A good time, a race to the finish line, a release and relief. But last night, ending what we had was the last thing I wanted. I was holding on for dear life to make what we were sharing last for as long as possible. The way he looked at me last night... I've never been looked at in such a way. I don't even have the words to describe how he gazed upon me. His eyes never moved from me. I never felt like I was close enough to him even though we were as close as two people can get. We were so lost in one another, it's so easy to lose myself in him. I didn't want it to end... It really was unlike anything I've ever felt before.

Looking over my shoulder, doing my best not to disturb him, I see that he really is fast asleep. His long lashes rest against the top of his cheeks as he remains asleep while I sit up. Quickly, I realise just how achy and sore my body really is after last night. Both inside and out. My hand comes to rest on my lower belly, I apply pressure to try and alleviate some of the aches I'm feeling but as soon as I lift my hand back, it returns. He worked me so well last night. I press to stand, taking my time, doing my best to ignore the tender aches. With every movement I make, despite the small amount of pain, my body reminds me just how good last night really was.

I make my way over to the chest of drawers and quickly realise, inside of me is screaming for me to take some painkillers. I'll be fine once I have. I'm so fucking sore... But the soreness between my legs is more than worth it. Grabbing the nightshirt I uselessly pulled out last night before he told me what he wanted I slide it over myself, not wanting to cause any suspicions as to why I'm naked in the morning. Because of all the children I know, Mila would ask.

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