I am his wife, damn it!

Start from the beginning

"Anything could have happened yesterday, Naira." He said softly.

And there were almost tears in my eyes.

And I didn't even know why!

"I don't even want to think what would have happened if I wouldn't have found you yesterday." He said in a very soft voice.

"Get back to mumbai, face whatever issues you have with whomsoever you have them. Start a fresh. Just stop doing this whole running away thing." He tried to explain me.

"You can't understand. It is too much for me." I said wiping my tears.

Ohh Gosh!
These stupid tears!

"Nothing is too much. Find a new job get a new home or do whatever but let yourself grow. You can't keep hiding in your shell forever. I know it might be difficult, but you'll have to do it." He explained and I nodded as If he could see me.

"And I am sorry for snapping before. I just— uhh— he started but I cut him off.

"It's okay. I know I am a bit too much to handle." I said and he chuckled.

"You're not. You're just a kid in a 24 year old body." He said chuckled.


"Take care of yourself. And, when someone yells at you or lectures you just listen to them because there are a very few people who care enough to lecture you." He said.

"You're being a dad now!" I whined.

"Okay! I'll hang up. Take care." He said and I smiled.

"You're meeting me before you leave right?" I asked and he chuckled.

" What if I say no?" He asked.

"Dude, I'll kill you. How can you do this to such a great friend like me?" I asked dramatically.

"Friend?" He asked chuckling and Tia came running yelling,

"Bua, you're on T.V.!" Tia was squealing.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Come, I'll show you!" She said and pulled me along with her towards the living room where everyone was sitting before the T.V.

"Shlok Das and his current affairs have always been headline worthy but this one seems a lot interesting." The reporter said,

It was some entertainment kind of news channel which probably covered all celebrities and businessmen.

But what the fuck is going on?

"There was a lot of curiosity as to who is this girl who is been spotted getting out of his house consistently?" She continued.

They displayed pictures of Shlok's house while I was getting out of it.

How the fuck did they get it?

"In an Interview he attended yesterday, he clearly denied having any girlfriend. And we all know he isn't married." The reporter said.

"I don't like where this is going!" I yelled anxiously.

"So, clearly she is a mistress. And we also digged a bit for her." She continued and I threw a vase which was kept beside on the table.

"Fucking hell! I'll kill Shlok if he has anything to do with this!"
I yelled and Naina held me by my shoulders.

"Calm down that's just an entertainment channel, nobody takes it seriously." She said.

"They both have never been spotted together but she seems to be spending her nights quite often at his place." She said and showed one of the pictures which are on my instagram profile.

"The fuck is this? They are even showing my pictures?" I yelled frustrated.

"Seems like Datta's do not have a say in their daughter's life." She said.

And I was soo close to killing any person that could come my way right now!

That bastard!
She fucking called me a mistress?
I am his wife, damn it!

"This famous businessman Shlok Das who is been seen on magazines nowadays is known to have quite a colourful life when it comes to affairs. Her being his mistress isn't that surprising. His charms are enough to get women." She said and I threw another vase on the T.V. breaking it.

"I am not going to spare you for this one, Das!" I yelled and marched towards my room.

You could have done anything!
But raising questions on my charecter?
I don't fucking tolerate that!

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