Chapter 21 : The Results Part 1

Start from the beginning

I sat her on the bed with the towel wrapped around her.

She closed her eyes and I stepped back, she is not a morning person I can see that right now.

I grabbed the clothes off the dresser that we bought her and I began to dress her she was still alseep so it was difficult but I did it.

When I was done I laid her in the bed and placed the barrier around her and walking out the room.

I left the door open and walked to the dinning room.

Everyone was still around and when I came in they looked at me.

"What?" I said sitting in my sit, Mary handed me a plate and I took it.

"Thanks Mary" i said sending her a smile as she walked away from me.

"Where Jasmine?" Marie asked.

"You know I think her and Alecie may have something in common because that girl can sleep, she slept through me bathing and dressing her." I said bitting into my food.

They laughed and Shannon shook his head standing up.

"Well good luck with that because if she is anything like Alecie you will have some trouble" he said and handing the plate to Mary.

"Ok kids lets go time for school" Monica said and stood up.

They all groaned but gathered their stuff anyway and began to walk out, Monica grabbed Heaven and they all left leaving us there.

They all looked at me and I placed my fork down, "What" I snapped

"Well are you excited, nervous, what are you feeling" Mo said and I looked at her.

"Excited no, Nervous no, I'm just ready to get this over with" I said and they nodded.

Alecie and Justin came into the room and Mary offered them food but they declined.

Justin walked over and kissed Mo while Alecie came and sat on the other side of me not even acknowledging Chris.

"Did we miss anything" Alecie said grabbing a piece of bacon off my plate and I glared at her

"No you didn't but your going to miss a finger if you do that again." I said and she laughed.

"I don't know where it goes we ate before we left Ma house" Justin said and we laughed.

"It goes to her ass, she keep on she gone have a ass bigger that Texas" Marie said and Alecie smiled.

"Ayeeeee!" She said dancing and we laughed.

Jasmine walked into the room rubbing her eyes, she looked at everyone and walked over to me climbing in my lap.

I feed her some of my grits and everyone talked while she ate.

"When are we leaving the anticipation is killing me I need to know if I'm a aunt for sure" Alecie said and I shrugged.

"Well leave when she finish eating" I said.

"No we'll leave when I do her hair!" Georgia said and ran her fingers through Jasmines hair.


After eating and getting Jasmine cleaned up and doing her hair, we left.

Getting into two different cars with the girl in one and the guys in the other.

"So how was your mom place" Mo said front he back.

"It was good, her boyfriend is fineeeee baby let me tell you and he seem like a sweet man. Different from want she is use too so if she happy I'm happy" she said and they nodded.

"Was Justin on his best behavior I told him he better not do anything stupid" Mo said and we laughed.

"No he was good we just threatened the mans life you know the usual" she said and I shook my head.

We grew quiet listen to the radio as we made our way to the game hospital.

My phone rang and I answered it, "Hello"

"Hello is this Miss Hamilton"

I sighed, "Yeah this is she" I said already knowing what this call is about.

"As you may know your grandmother is in our care and she is doing well with her treatment but apart of her recovery is to....."

"Not interested." I answered before he could finish.

"But it's an important part of her treatment and you haven't been for any of the others"

"and I won't be for this one" I said my voice coming out flat.

"Listen Miss Hamilton I understand you frustration-" he said and i scoffed; i highly doubt that. 

"but you are her power of attorney; if you continue to not be apart of her treatment she will never get better. she needs your help and support" he said. 

"Look sir, I don't give a damn what she needs tell her to write a letter or some shit; personally I think she should stay in the fucking place, you do this every year and every year I give you the fucking answer. I told the last person that I didn't not want to be her power of attorney and all that responsibility should go to me sister. she is the only one that she care about anyway; now don't call me again!" I said hanging up the phone and tossing it on the dashboard.

The car was quiet, "Well I'm just taking a guess and say that wasn't your sister" Marie said and I shook my head looking out the window.

I wiped a stray tear and sucked it up I refuse to cry over that bitch .

Update 😀

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Jasmine on side 😍😘❤️

-Bubbles ❤️😍❤️😘

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