Chapter 12 : Stolen Moments

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The week came I was nervous almost feeling like I wanted to throw up I headed to the company as I heard he was there writing music. I knocked on his studio. " come in" I walked in he looked at me and rolled him: what do you want, don't you see I'm busy" I felt like my legs were weak. " Can we talk we can't be like this there are many things I wish I could tell you please let's go and talk?" He stopped, slamming his hand on the desk, he stood up and turned around, what was he doing? He looked down and got up and headed to me. " Okay let's go but I don't think will be able to fix things." I got in the car and drove us to Jogyesa which is the chief temple of the Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism.

He looked out the window at the place he brought Joana to. And he was here again but with Heedo. We got off the car he seemed a bit off. "let's get food and plus I'm hungry." I grabbed his arm and ran with him. He looked down but kept looking at me. We headed up to a food place where you could see the mountains and many different bridges. It was outside with a nice view. We were surrounded by amazing views. We had fried chicken with our kimchi and two sodas. It was brought outside I felt at peace. He looked to the view and gave a slight smile. I had never seen him smile he looked handsome. What was wrong with me every time I saw him my heartbeat was so fast. " I saw you smile it goes well with you," I said smiling. He turned to me " sorry" I wondered why he just said that " why."

He rubbed his nose and said, " I never hated you I've been having a hard time, and seeing you arrive it felt like a replacement for someone I lost." I didn't know what to say I kept quiet but then I said: " was it Joana I heard about her she was your love I'm sorry." He sighed "I guess you know but one thing I never got to tell her was my love I was too late just everything reminded me of her and even your smile and expressing yourself like her you both have so much in common that it just brought me memories and hope that you were here so I decide to push away." Now I understood why he acted like this to me he believed that I could have been her. " I'm someone else don't compare me, that will only hurt you more, live, move on she will be happy to see you smile and shine bright." He started at me with teary eyes. I was scared of his next words.

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