Chapter 10: Burst of pain

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A few months had gone by, I was now 16 it was November. A lot had changed I was getting better in acting classes that I had small offers for shows. I had many dances and singing competitions. I was the ACE of the University. Even though being so young I had finished high school early while still attending the university. But the college saw that I had potential and gave me the chance to study in the college at an early age. I lived in the dorms and every day Yi-Jin would come and walk along with me. We were inseparable. I loved everything in Tokyo I went to different tiny stores and ate delicious foods. But my heart missed Seoul.

I was just waiting till the day I could go back. But I counted the days wondering how Jungkook was and the members. I couldn't forgive myself. But I continued my life and went on to learn new things and improved day by day on my singing, dancing, and acting. As Jungkook continued to hate me the group was doing well they were realising music, being on shows, doing small gigs but most importantly they were doing what they loved. Whenever they had a new MV come out I was there waiting till I could finally get to see each and one of them. Everything was going on its right path. My parents had called giving me the news that they would soonly be coming to visit me. After all, they were my parents and worried about me. I was happy to see them after a long time.

I waited long weeks till the day came. My parents, they soonly arrived for Christmas. We had winter break and we the student headed back home to spend it with family. I said goodbye to YI-Jin but before he grabbed my arm and leaned in for a kiss. I was not shocked we had grown closer. He smiled and said," the only gift I wished for this year was for you to be my girlfriend." I hugged him and said "yes" I went running straight to my aunt's car. We soon left the campus. WE arrived at the house and there I entered the living room where my parents were seated on the couch smiling so big that they ran to me to give me a hug. " we missed you babygirl". I suddenly burst out and cried just from seeing them I never thought that being so far away from them I would miss them so much. It was such an emotional moment. We headed to the back yard where we had a fire pit on and had a small but bug barbecue. It was freezing cold but surround by the ones I love and this warm fire all my sadness was gone. My family had so much food we ate and laughed remembering old times, especially moments when we were a normal family.

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