Chapter 2: Welcome to Busan

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I left with a smile on my face saying goodbye to the school. As I knew I would be back, but as an official student. I walked and passed by so many beautiful parks and buildings. This was like a dream that I didn't want to wake up. But eventually, I had to get back home. Once I got home my parents had left to go and meet with the director of the company. I was used to that so I just sat down in front of my house and began to practice the moves I saw with the taekwondo students. I had tried a back kick when all of sudden I felt I had hit something.

I heard a big " ouch". I didn't want to turn around as I was extremely embarrassed and scared to see who I hit on my first day coming to Busan. But I had no other choice since I heard" Hey!! don't you think you owe me an apology" embarrassed as I was I turned around with my head down and said, " I'm sorry". He laughed and said with that kick you would never beat me."

I looked up and gave him an angry stare I noticed he was wearing a taekwondo uniform, not just that, but that he was tall with black hair and such an angelic-looking face with a small scar on his cheek. Anyways he may have the looks but he was being such a jerk that I just said: "you know what I just apologized and you just laugh, who do you think you are?" He answered with a smirk " Your neighbor" With a shock, I said "WHAT!!" He moved me to the side and stepped onto the first step of his house, he turned facing towards me and stepped off he walked towards me, was I hallucinating, or was he walking in slow motion towards me.

I wanted to run but I felt like my feet were glued to the ground. He gets close and says with a smile on his face," I like you, your my type see ya tiny kick."He tapped my head and pushed my forehead with one finger. He turned and walks into his house. I wanted to punch that jerk but had no words. I turned around and left stomping mumbling all things I wanted to say to him. I closed the door and went up to my room with my food. I turned on the tv and started to watch my favorite drama Twenty-five twenty-one. But I found myself thinking about him. What did he mean by I like you? Are we friends?.

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