Chapter 4: Will become close

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I headed inside and had dinner with my parents. Nothing was new with them we barely even talked at dinner so ate my food and said goodnight. As I lay on my bed I looked at my window wondering if he would be by his window looking at the moon. I got up with my hopes to see him again. There he was looking at the moon but with a very worried and blank face. Was something wrong I wondered? I looked at him with a caring and worried look. I wanted to go and say that everything was okay.

We weren't even close. why would I even think to do that? He turns and I find myself looking at him, he smiles back but with a weak smile. He says" Goodnight". I knew something was wrong he would have made fun of me or had said something random to make me mad. But nothing. I closed my window and went to sleep trying to think why he was acting like this. Maybe ill ask him tomorrow it's Saturday and we don't have school. okay, I did that.

The sun was shining so bright that I ended up waking up early. I picked an outfit I wore a white crop top with ripped jeans and a long cardigan. I went downstairs and ate breakfast with my parents but soon they had to leave. Once they left they said " sweetie go out and explore get to know your new home. " So I nodded and thought to myself should I go over and invite him? And that's what I did I ran over to his home and knocked.

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