Chapter 3: Breaking the Ice

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We entered our class, as I walk in everyone starts to stare but then all came rushing and started to welcome me. They were all nice. Jungkook took me to the front and told me to stand there as the teacher was going to officially introduce me. Our teacher arrives and smiles at me. She was smaller than me but dressed so stylishly. She came over and said, "please class welcome Park Joana she will be in this class with all of you this year." Everyone started to clap and looked happy.

My teacher's name was Mrs. Jinha she lead me to my seat which of course had to be next to Jeon- Jungkook. I sat down and took all my supplies and books out. We started class and the teacher gave us a pop quiz, of course, I had known everything on that quiz. She announces the highest grade " everyone the high score here was from our newest student Park - Joana." You could hear everyone saying omg she's so smart. I was proud that I was starting well. Jungkook looked at me and said " congrats I guess you are smart" Like always he had to give an annoying comment.

The bell rang and the teacher came in and out during the day. We had our lunch and I made 3 friends. Super humble and nice they liked me the true me. We laughed and gossiped like every group of friends did. Once lunch was over I was heading to music class until I felt a hand on my shoulder " Hey are you headed to music/dance?" It was Jungkook " yes," I said. He walked along with me and headed in first. Omg, again he just keeps on being in my life.

The room was big, with so many lights, microphones, and a stage to dance on. Our dance/music class was about 10 students. Jungkook was the best dancer and even sang well I was shocked when he just sang a whole verse and had a very hard high note. Then I hear our teacher say" Ms. Park let's see what you got. So yes it was my turn I closed my eyes and imagined being on stage and singing my soul out. I heard clapping I opened my eyes they had loved it. Jungkook came toward me and said wow you are truly amazingly talented. I gave him a smile and shoved him slightly. " thank you jerk."


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