Chapter 4: Will become closer

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I knew that moment he said will become closer was not a shocking phrase anymore. At this moment we had become closer by sharing each other's struggles and defects. I said to him " I understand you I had been stuck in the shadow of my parent's fame nothing was granted for who I was everyone expected the Park family to be perfect. The image that everyone had of The Park's daughter as she is perfect she gets everything she wants and doesn't have to move a finger. Or there were those who believe that my parents paid the referees in order for me to win. It was nothing like that I always gave my best and didn't live off the family name or the fame of them.

I was Park-Joanna but I didn't need my parent's bribes it fame to stand where I am now. That's why when coming to Busan I promised to start all over to bring a new image but an image that I will make with my blood, sweat, and tears." That's why I'm not perfect and I struggle and it's okay to say you're not because what makes you successful is being unperfect and being honest to yourself and doing what's best for you and remember always do something that you love and if you love the complements then leave it but if you love it and continue to improve then that when you know that you have accomplished what you wanted." gave him a smile with my teary eyes and exhaled. He looked at me and said " Thank you Park no one has ever been straight up with me and been so honest, thank you for showing me to love myself and want to keep trying to make that dream of mine into reality.

Remember this whenever you are struggling or need someone to share your accomplishment remember I will always be here." He stood up and I did too. I gave him a smile and said " Thank you I will always be here for you when you struggling and need someone to feel happy with. The time had flown by so quickly that we didn't notice the sun was setting we headed to eat Jajangmyeon and had some soda. We laughed and shared many stories.

That day was that day we changed the will be close to we are close. It had gotten dark and we headed home once we got to the front door of my house I said: " Thank you for today and for not judging me at all." He looked at me in a friendly and calming way and said " no need to thank me I didn't want to see you struggling and being sad. I will always be here to make you smile. I have to thank you the most for making me realize that I can make mistakes too and from that, I can grow and improve I should treat it like steps and go one by one to reach the top even if I triple ill to get up." I nodded and said " Good night bye".

He grabbed my arm and said, " ahh I already knew you had famous parents but that didn't matter to me I just wanted to get to know the Joana you wanted to show me and others." He smiled and left inside. I looked at her as he went in and I headed inside feeling happy that someone had finally wanted to get to know the real me. I went to my room and fell asleep feeling like nothing in the world mattered and that this was just the beginning.

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