Chapter 9: Tears Hidden In The Rain

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After 20 min he got up, wiped his tears, and headed to the dorm to let the other know. As he went in all soaked the guys looked at him with a worried face " what's wrong your all wet are you okay Jk?" RM asked. " Joana left she gone," Jk answered they were all shocked the ran to the other building to see if what Jungkook was true there they arrive at my front door. They slightly opened the door and entered. Everything was gone there was nothing in was all empty. " she's gone"Jimin said. They couldn't believe that I had left them without an explanation. They looked back at JK and said " she wouldn't leave us like this would she." JK didn't have words to explain or give them an answer.

As I got arrived at the airport I took my bags and headed to the plane. As I sat I looked out the window this was my start and this was my destiny. I had to let go and be who I want to be. Japan was not as far as I thought on the plane as soon as I arrived I was shaking not knowing what was waiting for me. I got off the plane and headed out to the door there stood my aunt waiting for me and right behind Baek Yi-Jin was he doing here. But I was happy in a way that at least didn't lose someone else. I ran and gave my aunt a hug she had been living in Japan for years and I hadn't seen her. Yi-Jin gave me a hug and said " lucky we are going to the same university" he gave me a big smile. As we headed to the car we drove through the city till we got to the dorms in the University which was located in Tokyo it was a university that would take those of my young age to get early learning.

It was beautiful. They helped me bring my things into my dorm and helped arrange everything. Somehow the pain was gone I felt empty. My aunt gave me a kiss and handed me the address and phone number in case I needed her. " thank you, auntie." She left now it was only Yi-Jin and I the looked at me and said " Joana I'm only a building away don't hesitate to call me. This is a new beginning everything will be okay." Those words gave me comfort and strength as I knew that this was the best for me. He headed out and I closed the door I sat down as I felt like my legs were going to collapse I started to cry as I couldn't keep it in the sadness was eating me up. I tried my best to look strong in front of them and didn't want them to worry. I saw the moon glowing through my window I open it to let the cool air in. I stood there looking and hoping the moon's bright light would give me that strength and comfort. I closed my eyes and my new life had begun.

 I closed my eyes and my new life had begun

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