Chapter 8: The Truth Untold

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There we stood me holding his arm and he looking at me I turned around and said to Yi-JIn " Hey I have to go we were spending time together but it was nice seeing you" Yi-Jin looked confused it still felt like he wasn't over me after these years. I did feel sad to see him leave just the truth was I did like him but my feelings weren't clear back then. But I had to stop JK as for sure he was the one I loved. As Yi-Jin left I didn't want to look back. As I walked with JK he didn't say a word. I kept looking to the side just trying to make things less awkward. We kept walking till we got to a bridge that would take us up to a mountain where we could watch the sunset.

On our way up I was scared to even ask, he just kept looking around and avoid making eye contact. As soon we reached the mountain I couldn't believe how beautiful the view was I couldn't help myself but run up to see the beautiful view. He stayed back as I felt he didn't follow. But I loved the view it was the fresh air, I needed this to make me forget everything. I had been carrying so much weight on my back that needed to let out a scream up in the mountain " I am so happy" I turned around and smiled at him and said "Believe me nothing makes me happier than you being with me, I know you will do great at the debut. You will shine and with your voice and your members you will bring happiness to those who need it but also everyone will become your fan I wish I can be here to see all of it happen."

I realized I had said wish but as soon I was going to correct myself He walked to me and grabbed my hands while looking into my eyes and said " you will be there as our manager and together will make it through anything okay don't talk like will be apart you know I can't be without you again." I started to cry hearing those words from him while knowing that I wasn't going to be their manager and be by his side and watch all they accomplish or be there to help them with tough times. It hurt to know he would never forgive me. He brought me close and wrapped his arms around me. We stood there not knowing the truth and our paths but one thing I knew was this was our last.

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