-Part 26-

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Yn stood, just looking at Bones, staring intently at the pendulum, swaying slightly from side to side as they tried to get it to still. They looked the chain up and down and took a cautious step forward, and another one, another one, until they were standing just in front of Bones.

They reached their hand out to touch the pendulum. Could they move it? Yn hadn't really tried to interact with anything, just shuffled through some newspapers when they first came to consciousness. They grazed the crystal with just the tips of their fingers, causing it to sway, again, gently. But their hand went through it after coming in contact, as if they could only interact with it enough to move it momentarily, rather than manipulate it. Bones took a breath, before continuing.

"Can you show me a 'yes'." They asked. Yn decided to move it in a clockwise circle. They asked for a 'no' and they moved it side to side. When the pendulum calmed, Bones began asking 'yes' or 'no' questions, such as; "Do you have a name?" "Are you a spirit?" or "Are you dead?" The last one struck a chord with Yn. Of course they were dead, why did it bother them so much, though?

Deciding that Moon was probably wondering where they were, Yn left the room. They stared at the mostly closed door and back at Bones, still holding the pendulum. They shrugged and faces the door again. They shut their eyes and attempted to move through the door, like in the movies. Silly as it was, it didn't hurt to try.

As the moved forward, Yn noticed they couldn't feel the door. They couldn't feel the floor beneath them. It was almost like they were falling. Afraid, their eyes opened and they ran right into Sun.

Instinctively, he grabbed Yn. His hands didn't pass through. "Hey, Sun, you okay?" Chey asked. He took his hands off of Yn, and turned back, nodded, and left. "Where'd you come from?" He whispered as the two walked down the hall. "I was in the storage closet, Bones could almost see me or something. They were having me talk through a pendulum." Sun hummed. "Funky." {I love that word}

Yn and Sun walked into the room, and was met by Moon, standing there, arms crossed. "How long have you been standing like that?" He waved his hand at Sun, dismissively, "Nevermind that, Yn, where did you go? You were just with me and then you weren't." He kneeled to be on eye lever with Yn, high lighting how short they were compared to him. "I got pulled into the storage closet," Moon's eyes moved up to Sun. "By Bones." They quickly added. His gaze darted back to Yn. "They could see you?" He whisper yelled. "No, maybe? They nodded towards me and had me talk through a pendulum."

Moon stood up and crossed his arms again. "Awh, someone was worried about Yn." Sun teased. Moon glared at Sun, who simply smiled. "Shut it." Yn looked up at Moon, "Oh, you don't acre about me anymore?" They said. He quickly changed his attitude, assuring Yn he definitely loved them.

"Uh, what did I just hear?" A familiar voice said from the doorway. The three looked over at the person. Bones. They stood in the doorway. Moon was the first to move, naturally defensive. Sun folded first.

"You know how you tried to talk with a pendulum earlier?" They nodded. "Well, we're sort of, uh.." Moon shot daggers at Sun before talking. "We were talking with that spirit you were talking to through that," he paused. "Pendulum. And they have a name, it's Yn." Yn nodded, despite being unseen to them. Bones stood there, half shocked and half pleased. "Well, can Yn show themselves to me? I've never seen a spirit here, even when I worked here before." Before?

Yn closed their eyes and focused on trying to be present, be seen, be heard, felt, anything. "What do you mean before?" As they spoke, they pictured the words in their mind and mentally threw them at Bones. When Yn opened their eyes, Bones was staring right at them.

"There you are." They stated, plainly. "Answer my question." They persisted. Bones shrugged and started talking. "Before this place burned down, I sort of worked here, when I was 15. It was only because my sister would let me tag along and I would help her take orders and stuff."

Yn's head raced with questions. They had never seen another person at the Pizzaplex, other than when they had to get all the people out for closing. Thinking back to it, Yn noticed how they looked odd in their memories. Their faces were almost morphed, stretched out, wrong. They acted weird too. Laughing. Constantly. When they weren't laughing they were screaming or crying.

Yn tried to focus on something else but those people and their hysterical fits of fury or agony or ecstasy stayed. The sounds were ringing in their ears. Yn couldn't trust their memories on this.

"Yn?" They looked up and  met their eyes with Sun's. "Oh, yea?" He looked back at Bones. "Alec was a night guard, like you think you were," Think? "He was the only night guard in the building. The only one. You didn't work there, you couldn't have." Yn struggled to take everything in. "So what are you suggesting?"

Bones shook their head. "Either you're just delusional, or you were dead before."

{Gimme a little bit on that One shot but I assure you, I'll have it done. I'm also probably going to be taking requests on One shots here soon. But either way, point out typos and I'll steal your socks.


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