5 • Only Exception

Start from the beginning

"I-Uh.. Whatever you think is okay!" Jimin replies, cheeks heating. "I'm not so experienced with these kinds of stuff anyway.."

Taehyung chuckles, passing Jimin all the clothing pieces he picked and ushering Jimin over to the fitting room so that they could start deliberating what he would wear. He finds a seat on the leather couch and pulls out his phone to scroll while patiently waiting for the blond to finish his errands.

"I'm ready when you are, Minie." Taehyung called out, crossing his legs and waiting for the curtain to get drawn back. Once It does, Taehyung hums and taps his chin.

The first outfit was simple, a plain back undershirt topped with a blue velvet almost tuxedo looking jacket and some simple black skinny jeans with a red collar and wyatt boots.

"I like it from the waist down." Taehyung finally commented, pointing up at the blue velvet fabric. "That's too dull, Can you switch up the top with another one you find nice?"

Jimin nods and looks through some of the tops that were given to him. His attention is drawn to the white button up completed with a somewhat shear lace design from the back and gem detailing on the front.

"How's this?" he inquired, looking at Taehyung with a small smile.

"That's perfect, Minnie!" He exclaimed, "You dont have to try it on. Let's get those!" The brunet stands up enthusiastically and grabs the chosen clothing before trudging his way towards the cashier.

It was only then that Jimin realizes the latter had already a bunch of paper bags ready for pick up near the exit of the store, evidenced by the saleslady confirming if the brunet's name was Taehyung.

"Minnie, Can I have the card? I can easily pay for this but Jungkook will rip me to shreds." Taehyung laughed out with a small smile. Jimin responds with a small giggle and passed the card to the Cashier who was looking at them with a blank expression.

"Is this everything?" She asked in a rude manner, raising his brow at the card that Jimin gave him and looking back at the blond with scrutiny. "This is under Jeon's name, is this stolen?"

"What?" Jimin spluttered in shock, Taehyung seemed suprised as well.

"I can't charge this unless I make sure that a Jeon gave this to you for your own use, I'm not sure if you're a gold digger or what but I need proof of Jeon's authority." She snapped, sliding the card back to Jimin and folding her arms in a bossy and indicative manner.

The blond withdraws and takes a step back in sock, his body unconsciously controlling it's reactions as he really was not expecting the sudden jabs from the woman.

"I suggest you do charge it, If you still want your job." Taehyung cuts in, glaring at the cashier and shielding Jimin with his broader frame. "If you don't believe him, charge it on my card and I'll make sure that the Jeon you're pertaining to hears about this." He hissed.

The cashier seemed genuinely shocked and then embarrassed, She wordlessly charges the clothes on the black card and apologizes profusely.

"You should watch your mouth, lady." Taehyung says with an unkind tone. "You don't know who you just fucked wit-"

"Taetae." Jimin whispered behind him, tugging on the brunet's sleeve. "It's okay, Let's just take the clothes and go."


"Please." Jimin pleaded, smiling softly at the latter. "I'm okay, promise."

Taehyung sighs and nods his head, returning his gaze towards the cashier and snatching the shopping bag from her. She winces and apologizes with a bow again.

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