chapter 60

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"ninety-nine of the children and girls you want who were born on the day of the rising of the moon have all been found and are in the waiting room ready to be released into the forbidden room. you have injected enough catalyst into their bodies as you tell them to activate the demon's genes. "

dorn reported the situation to richard. originally, the work of reporting the situation was done by ace, but now that ace was not by his side, he was personally done by the person in charge.

dorne was the main person in charge of building the cell. their family has been working on it for generations and is a very famous family of builders.

"he's not going to run out." richard vi was somewhat worried.

he cultivated demons to deal with the white owl, but not to cause trouble for himself. the secret weapon is for the white owl. if even he couldn't control it, there would be no need for this secret weapon to exist.

"this chamber of secrets is safe. no one can break through the doors and walls here and break in. the only key is on your majesty's body. "dorn trusts his technology. no one can break open this room unless they use a key.

richard nodded, but always felt that something was not quite right. he recalled it for a moment, and then asked about the other party's history.

dorne replied honestly, "my ancestors were subordinates of his majesty richard i, and the earliest royal palaces were designed by my ancestors. "

"oh." richard still felt something was wrong, but dorne's words interrupted him.

"this is a whistle that can control the demons, for your majesty." dorn took out a silver whistle, thin, about the length of his little thumb, "with it, you can control the demons that have fallen into a state of madness and let the demons be at your mercy."

dorne is not without pride, such a delicate thing is not so easy to make. his family read countless ancient books and experimented with them countless times before they were made.


dorne thinks it's time to go it alone.

something donne didn't know.

once upon a time, his ancestor, the one who had been on an errand under richard i, had had the same idea as dorn. at that time, he built a sacrificial field for richard i.

afterward...... don't say it.

so it was like it had happened a long, long time ago. dorne's flag fell.

very fiasco.

donne said that the house he built was very strong, which is not a lie. the house was indeed very strong, and the prey was thrown into it, and no one could escape. they couldn't even find half a place that looked like an exit, and even the import that had brought them in at first was gone.

all that awaited them was the smell tied to the center.

after a while, the strong smell of blood on their bodies woke up wen ting. these boys and girls have a special smell in their blood. it was the smell of catalysts that had been injected into them.

this smell will tend to revive the demon, awakening the cruel and bloodthirsty factor in the demon's body. the demon who smells this smell will not be able to control his **, constantly devouring, constantly expanding'.

the weak boys and girls all cried in fright, huddled in the corner like a flock of chickens to be slaughtered, watching in horror as their faces grew whiter and whiter, visibly looking at the unkind smell.


the chains on wen ting's body were untied by him, and the chains fell to the ground, making a loud noise.

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