Chapter 21 |Friends

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'I want to talk to you in private.' Xin Ying said while putting pressure on the word 'private' and Huang Dewei understood who she wanted to be gone from here while Wang Lei just looked towards him. He personally was not in the mood to talk to her neither he wanted to be any ruder to Huang Dewei after last night's incident yet he felt helpless.

'The ruler of Qi country is coming tonight, I will go and help in preparation. I will leave you to have a private chat with your wife.' Huang Dewei said as he bowed down and walked out angrily while using the word 'wife' instead of 'Empress' was a clear indication of their last night's incident and also a taunt to Wang Lei who understood it without wasting a second. He clearly does hold grudges.' Wang Lei thought as he sighed and Xin Ying looked towards him lovingly as Xin Ying's eyes fell on his burned hand. She quickly got hold of it and asked

'What happens here?' She asked, concerned and distressed.

'It's nothing. I got burned.' Wang Lei replied as he took out his hand from his grip

'It looks very painful... You should put something on it.' Xin Ying said still in a worried tone

'No, some wounds are meant not to be healed. They are a punishment and should be taken as a punishment.' Wang Lei replied

'A punishment?'

'Why did you come here?' Wang Lei asked changing the topic and Xin Ying sighed and slowly spoke up in her honey-dripped voice

'You did not come back after that night? I was worried.'Xin Ying said and Wang Lei looked at her

'I was busy.' Wang Lei replied simply

'I thought that and that's why I decided to come and pay you a visit.' Xin Ying said as she smiled and Wang Lei looked at her and then sighed. He should just be truthful with her

'Xin Ying, whatever happened between us was my mistake. I didn't do it out of love but I simply did it as my duty. Please don't expect anything else from me.' Wang Lei said and Xin Ying looked shocked and she felt deep hurt and pain inside her chest. She was dreaming about her eternal love with Wang Lei, but that dream was broken now. Her heart was broken. Slowly tears formed in her eyes and fell down her eyes. Wang Lei felt guilty

'You are a harsh man Wang Lei.'Xin Ying complained and Wang Lei regretfully looked down

'I am sorry but I can't force my heart to love you. I can and will give you anything and everything else except my love.' Wang Lei said in a soft yet strong tone

'Who is the reason? Is it Chen Ju?' Xin Ying asked thinking he had feelings for Chen Ju and Wang Lei shook away his head

'Please don't make it harder for me and forgive me.' Wang Lei said as he respectfully bowed down to her and Xin Ying felt even sadder because he was such a good man. He apologises and bows down to her for not loving her. He was an Emperor, he did not have to bow down and ask forgiveness from her, but he was still doing it. Xin Ying cleaned off her tears then stood up and ran out of the room. Wang Lei sighed as he closed his eyes. Even though everything was a mess at that moment in his life, he still wanted to be truthful to Xin Ying. He does not want her to have fake hopes. dreams. and fantasies regarding them which would never come true. Because when those dreams, hopes and fantasies will break later it will hurt her more.

Huang Dewei was busy working with other servants and maids in preparation of today's function when he saw a maid stop in front of him. He looked towards her who greeted him and he greeted her back when she spoke up in her soft tone.

'The Empress wanted to see you?' The maid gave him the order and he was surprised but then he nodded his head and just followed her. They stopped outside her room and he knocked and then entered inside all alone. He walked towards her who looked up and he was surprised as he met her bloodshot eyes. She had been crying.

'What happened to you, Xin Ying?' Huang Dewei asked concerned as Xin Ying ran towards him and hugged him which made Huang Dewei baffled and shocked.

'I was wrong Huang Dewei. Wang Lei would never love me and I do not want to be in a loveless marriage. Please accept me back and take me far away from here.' Xin Ying said while Huang was bewildered over the situation that was just unheld in front of him. The first thing he found out was that Wang Lei rejected her and second that she wanted to return to him. How should he break to her that now they were not possible either?

'Xin Ying...' Huang Dewei said as he softly pulled her away from him and created a distance between them.

'But you are the Empress of this nation and you told me last time that you wanted to be here.' Huang Dewei said as he tried explaining to her to calm her down.

'Now I don't want to be here...Let's just run away.' Xin Ying said stubbornly like a child.

'No, you are being over-emotional about your heartbreak. You need to calm down and think about it carefully.' Huang Dewei said as he was still trying to calm her.

'Even you don't want me anymore.' Xin Ying as she breaks down again and Huang Dewei did not know what to do because her crying like this still hurts him because, after all, she would always be his first love.

'It's not that, but even you know your feelings have changed towards me. You don't love me anymore and I have accepted that fact. The man you love now is Wang Lei, not me.' Huang Dewei said and Xin Ying looked toward him as she thought for a while like she was deeply thinking about something then she cleaned off her tears and spoke up to him.

'You are right. I still want Wang Lei. Would you help me with that?' Xin Ying said and Huang Dewei was taken back from her request

'How can I help you?' Huang Dewei asked unsure where this conversation was heading.

'Keep an eye on him and tell him about his conversation with Chen Ju. I think it is all because of her.' Xin Ying said and Huang Dewei stares at her and even his curiosity also rises. Was Chen Ju also between him and Wang Lei? But Wang Lei said he does not want him because of his father. But then it was not like a love confession from him. He just said that he wished to him which could just mean sexually. The nagging doubt also took place in Huang Dewei's heart regarding the relationship between Chen Ju and Wang Lei.

'Will you help me?' Xin Ying asked as she put pressure on him and pouted like a child and Huang Dewei came out from his thoughts and then nodded his head. Xin Ying smiled with teary red eyes.

'Thank you Huang Dewei. I am happy that you forgive me for betraying you. I am sorry about it.' Xin Ying sincerely apologised and Huang Dewei just nodded his head because it was not like it was just her fault. His feelings changed too and it was ironic that it was because of the same man.

'Don't apologise. I will help you if I can.' Huang Dewei said and Xin Ying smiled and Huang Dewei also smiled. They felt some kind of tension was decreasing between them.

'It is nice to be with you Huang Dewei and last time I could not say to you, but I am pleasantly surprised you came up here for me.' Xin Ying said and Huang Dewei just nodded his head

'Well, I thought it was forced marriage to you and thought we should still be together. I did not think feelings could change.' Huang Dewei explained and Xin Ying just nodded her head as she smiled.

'So, what were you doing in Wang Lei's chamber? By looking at your clothes, are you his personal royal guard?'Xin Ying asked changing the topic and also because she was curious about his job while Huang Dewei replied as he nodded his head


'Well, great. That is a good position to be in. I always knew you were talented. I am happy for you but don't tell Wang Lei about us.' Xin Ying shared his happiness while warning him in the end.

'Do you think I am stupid? I don't want to die from Wang Lei's hand.' Huang Dewei said jokingly and on hearing Huang Dewei calling Wang Lei by his name surprised Xin Ying and Huang Dewei also bite his tongue regretting his mistake

'I mean your husband and his Majesty. It was a slip of the tongue.' Huang Dewei quickly apologised as he bowed too and Xin Ying just smile

'It can happen but don't repeat your mistake. You will receive a punishment otherwise.' Xin Ying said as she warned him in her Empress tone and he just nodded his head then he said goodbye and walked out of her chamber. They probably don't share the same feelings for each other, but it still felt good being in each other's company. They liked the feeling of still being friends with each other and helping each other if they could.

The Emperor and his loverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora