Chapter Twenty- Nine

Start from the beginning

His reaction to hearing my 'r*pe' was baffling. I don't understand why he was so upset and angry over it. Rape is a big no and completely disgusting and bastardly in every community and culture but maybe it was even worse in werewolf community?

But then he killed Miles without hesitation and werewolves are known for their aggression and violence. Violence on humans wasn't common here but it wasn't unheard of but it was the violence with each other that everyone talked about. In the past the packs would fight to death over territory, land and even positions and ranking in the pack.

Nothing made sense and despite me trying to comprehend everything I was struggling, a lot. I definitely should have paid attention to Werewolf Studies in secondary school.

I needed to push those thoughts aside and figure out what I'm going to say to the Alpha and the counsellor. If they figured out the truth they would tell the Alpha and this time he wouldn't be so lenient.

Maybe it would be a good idea to tell him the truth before someone else did? That way it wouldn't be as bad and I can explain why I didn't tell him the truth originally.

Or I could continue this lie, see it through and finally leave here. The only way he would know I was lying is if I messed up or the counsellor suspected something. Cami and Uncle Tom knew the truth but they're not here and they wouldn't say anything anyway.

I could do this, I could get us out of this. All I had to do now was come up with a good and convincing version of event from that night.

Cami came home from work and wanted to take a shower. She popped her head into the living room to say hello and then went upstairs. Deciding now would be a good time to have a break from my assignments I went to the kitchen to make myself and Cami a drink. I was in the process of making the drinks when there was a knock on the door. I didn't check to see who it was as I thought it was my neighbour Mrs McClusky but instead it was a stranger. I tried to stop him but he was too strong and forced his way in. I ran to the kitchen so I could escape through the back door but he was too fast and grabbed me.

Everything happened so quickly and my memory of that time is hazy and unclear but I know that he attacked me and I defended myself. I didn't mean to kill him, I just wanted him to stop. Next thing I knew I was standing over him holding a knife and he was dead. I panicked and grabbed the rug from the living room and wrapped it up, taped it and dragged it to the garden.

Cami had no idea what was going on and came in when I was cleaning up the blood. I told her it was wine and to find someone for us to watch on Netflix. The only reason Cami got involved is because she heard our cat Misty meowing in the garden and opened the door to let him in. She saw the wrapped-up body and I know I should have kept her out of it but I needed help to move the body and since she already saw it I asked her to help me bury the body in Saddleworth Moors.

Cami had no choice but to help me, it wasn't her fault and the blame lies solely on me.

I repeated those words over and over in my head. I didn't want to implicate Cami in this but the Alpha knew Cami had helped me bury the body so if I say she had no idea he wouldn't believe a single word I was saying.

Thinking I would have to repeat those words to the counsellor I spent the whole night going over it until I perfected everything. It's not like I could go to sleep anyway, every time I closed my eyes I watched the Alpha murder Miles over and over again so sleeping was not an option.

"So tell me Nala, how are you feeling now?"

I stared back at the woman sitting opposite me. She had a white notebook on her lap and was twirling the black pen she was holding. She must be in her early 30s, her face was stoic, had a few wrinkles on her forehead and her dark eyes looked sympathetic.

I hated that look, it was worse than the patronising look she had given me when she was explaining how this room is a safe space and nothing could hurt me here.

"I'm fine I guess. I just want to go home."

She nodded and motioned for me to continue.

"I don't really know what else you want me to say." I shrugged as I looked away from her.

"We don't have to talk, we can just sit here." Stephanie offered and through the corner of my eyes I observed her glancing at her watch.

That's all we've done since the session started, just sit there in silence. It was awkward and uncomfortable. Stephanie had explained that everything was confidential and that she was here to help me but I wasn't stupid or naïve I knew she would repeat every word I said back to the Alpha.

I also didn't like the way she was looking at me, I couldn't quite pinpoint it but I knew she wasn't to be trusted. She could be a pack member who knew that I was here because I was being investigated for the disappearance of Harlan Aristov and was looking to gather evidence.

Before I could 'open up' to her I wanted to find out what she already knew about me and my situation.

"Do you know why I'm here?"

"Alpha Alessandro briefly explained that you had suffered and experienced something traumatic recently and needed a little support to heal and overcome it."

I shook my head. "No I mean do you know why I'm in the pack house." I could be making a huge mistake here but I needed to know if I could sort of trust her.

Stephanie raised her eyebrows a little before copying me and nodding. "Yes I know why you are here."

"Did you know him? The Alpha's cousin?"

I watched her carefully to see her reaction, her face was blank and expressionless. "I don't think that's relevant."

"If you don't tell me, I'll ask the Alpha." I shrugged casually. There was no way I would actually ask him, I had yet to actually speak to him since yesterday. "So you might as well tell me."

This time there was a reaction and Stephanie fidgeted ever so slightly in her seat. "I do know him."

'Do?' Shit, what did I say? Did I use the past tense when referring to him?

"He is my best friend's brother."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter 

Let me know what you think is going to happen next 

I will upload again this weekend but to read ahead and up to chapter 51 please go to

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate the support!

-Kayy xx

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