Nesting [F]

739 14 22

Summary: The obsession of wanting a safe place for your baby becomes too much over the crib

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Summary: The obsession of wanting a safe place for your baby becomes too much over the crib

Pregnant Reader!

Word Count: 2,250

Dom's POV

I knew pregnancy was always going to change everything in the house, but it didn't do it in the ways I expected.

Things that had never crossed my mind that I would end up doing just became the norm. We found out Y/N was pregnant a month before my birthday, when we went back to my mum's, just to visit.

Izzy was complaining about her period, when Y/N, not thinking much about it, mentioned that she hadn't had period last month and was about to be late for hers this month.

My mum, who obviously had been pregnant three times before, asked Y/N if there was any chance that she could be pregnant, and suddenly everything clicked into place for us.

Y/N had been feeling more nauseous in the morning, but we boiled it down to morning anxiety, as it usually flared up and got better and worse over time.

 The way she was having food cravings, couldn't sleep very well, it made me feel stupid for how much we had overlooked, and not realised. The next day, she went out to our local store and brought a pregnancy test.

She didn't tell anyone else, I found out extremely loudly, when Y/N came screaming down the stairs, and I assumed and the worst and came running to her side and asked her what was wrong and all she could say was.


I freaked out at the news. And freaked out in the best way possible. We'd been trying for a baby since the beginning of the year, but given up by about May, as we'd been getting negative test after negative test.

Everyone was apparently right that when you actually give up trying, and then you get a baby.

My mum was equally excited, as it was going to be her first grandchild, and Izzy and Jemima didn't know how to act either knowing that they were going to be aunties. 

Tom and Adam were equally excited when I called them to tell them the news. Everyone was so happy for us, but no-one could've been happier than Y/N was.

I've never seen her happier in my whole life. There was a glow in her eye, something I've never seen before. The way she instantly got more protective of her stomach, cradling it and holding it, rubbing her stomach.

Then, my ADHD kicked in properly, and I went and bought every single pregnancy book that I could get my hands on. I struggled to get through most of them, but I wanted to know everything and get through everything possible.

There were some things that I never expected to happen. Of course, Y/N's pregnancy emotions were all over the place, she would often tear up and cry over things that I didn't expect, she once cried over how long something would take to cook.

Quiet In Beverly Hills - YB ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang