Anniversary Trip [A]

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Summary: After accidentally injuring yourself, Dom insists that you need further care

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Summary: After accidentally injuring yourself, Dom insists that you need further care

Content Warnings: Injury, gore and descriptions of the injury, an emphasis on blood, hospital trip, questions about abuse, a past of abuse, abusive ex relationships, Y/N is injured, Y/N has panic/anxiety attack, scared of being injured, fear of abusive relationships, husband Dom, comfort from Dom!!

If any of the themes disclosed above are too triggering, then please do not read this imagine. Your wellbeing comes first - Lana 🤍

Word Count: 4,750



My hand, as quickly as I can, slams down on the phone, as my alarm goes off. I don't want it to long for much longer than possible, and it can't have run for much longer than a few fractions of a second.

It's the 23rd of August 2022 today.

And it's been four years on the day, since we met. And, one year since our wedding day. We've planned it specifically, so our anniversaries would have coincided perfectly. But today, as it's our first wedding anniversary.

But, it of course being our first wedding anniversary, it makes it all the more special. Looking over at me, Dom's strewn over us with the sea of the bedsheets. His hair is messy, across his face, his breath is soft, and his hair is messy against the pillow.

He's the absolute love of my life.

Dom's hands are roughly around my waist, and I know if I have to try and get out of bed, to try and get his surprise fully ready. I am so nervous honestly, as I don't normally plan major surprises for Dom, they just end up happening.

I've decided that I'm going to try and make Dom breakfast in bed.

I slowly lift Dom's arms from off my waist, and he doesn't respond, which I take as confirmation I can move further. I slowly practically shimmy my way out of the bed, and then lay Dom's arm back down on the bed.

Dom stirs slightly, his face moving up from the pillow, before he lays his head back down on the bed. I let out a massive sigh of relief, as he doesn't move at all afterwards. He is fully back asleep.

I pull on my pink fluffy slippers, and make my way down the steps, to go to the kitchen. I already know exactly what I'm going to make him for our anniversary breakfast. I mean with Dom, there's really only one other option.

A full English breakfast, one of his favourite things.

We had our first full English breakfast one of the first times we ever met. Me and Dom first ever met through my childhood friends through Adam. Me and Adam had been friends since we were around roughly five years old.

We met in primary school, and we were inseparable since then. We always had a platonic connection, I could never see him in a romantic way. We would always tease and make fun of each other, our whole lives.

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