Asthma [A]

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Summary: Dom's asthma is never that bad, but you're there during bad attacks

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Summary: Dom's asthma is never that bad, but you're there during bad attacks

TW // Asthma attack (Dom), asthma attack comfort (Reader to Dom), mentions of anxiety

Word Count: 1,250

It wasn't often that Dom had asthma attacks, but when he did, it was intense.

Nowadays, he only had them if he only put too much effort into his performance on the stage, he was always lucky in the fact that he had his inhaler close by, if it was needed. It was only a few feet away, and someone else could grab it for him.

When he was younger, he used to have far more intense asthma attacks. Sam had told you about multiple times that Dom had suffered an asthma attack, and had to be taken home as it was too intense for him to focus on school the rest of the day.

You couldn't explain why Dom had less as he got older, but you'd been going out for nearly 6 months and he hadn't had a severe attack.

Of course there were a couple of times where he had overworked himself on stage, and was completely out of breath. But after a few puffs of his inhaler, got to lay down, and drank some water, he would feel better.

But, as you sat down on the sofa, you were scrolling through your phone, when you heard hacking coughs.

Loud, hacking coughs, and gasps for air, from Dom. Immediately worried, you got up from your seat. "You alright?!" You shouted up the stairs, wanting to ask before you went upstairs. But you were worried when you heard no reply from him.

Just more coughing. Immediately you made your way quickly up the stairs, and straight into the bedroom. As you opened the door, you were immediately worried as you saw Dom sitting down on the bed.

Dom was clearly distraught. He kept coughing, and his hand was on his chest. His chest was heaving up and down, and he kept trying to stabilize himself, trying to catch his breath. It was as though there was a band around his chest, keeping him from taking a full breath.

"Asthma, Y/N," He managed to wheeze out. You immediately seemed to go into autopilot. You immediately went over to his bedside drawer, opening it, and began to rummage through the mess inside it for his inhaler.

The one thing you were trying more than anything to keep up was, as fictitious as it was, a sense of calmness. Dom's mind could spiral extremely quickly, and if he saw you were worried, it would do absolutely nothing to help with his calmness.

Finally, your fingers clasped around the metal canister of his inhaler as you swiftly pulled it out. You didn't even bother to close the drawer, as you made your way over to Dom, your hand wrapping around his shaking body.

"Dom, baby, c'mere, I've got your inhaler," You said, in a calm a voice as you could fathom, as he immediately pressed his lips against the it, as you pressed down onto the inhaler, Dom taking in the breath of air.

He immediately sighed out, and you pressed down again. "You're doing so good, Dom, keep taking in deep breaths," You said, not pressing down to let him take in fuller breaths. You felt a relief within you by the 3rd press.

As you rubbed his back, more colour came back into his skin, especially his lips. His eyes didn't seem as glazed over as before, he seemed more aware of what was going on, and more aware of his situation.

"Love, let me try on my own," Dom said, as he managed to take in a full breath, pushing the inhaler away from his lips. "Keep talking to me love, if you can talk, you can breathe," You said, not moving from sitting next to him.

"I need to take my fucking top off," Dom grumbled, reaching for the tight shirt and immediately taking it off, throwing it down onto the bedroom floor.

"Can you rub my chest, Y/N?" He asked, looking up at you for your reaction. "It feels better than my back," He said, as he took a final deep breath. 

You slowly pressed your hands against Dom's chest, and applied the smallest amount of pressure, and began to rub soothing circles. Dom let out a soft sigh as you did, as you placed your other hand on the other side of his chest.

He let out a soft sigh, and relaxed as you did. "Let your breath go back to normal Dom, let me know if it gets worse again," You said, as Dom sat up, rather quickly. "C'mere, please," He said, pulling you into a soft hug.

After a while, hugging you, his eyes welled with tears. He wrapped his arms so tightly around you, beginning to cry. "I'm scared, Y/N," He said, as his body began to shake against you.

"Dommy, I've got you, it's okay, you're going to be okay. This is going to pass," You said, rubbing his back, as you tried to get him to calm down again.

"I haven't had an attack this bad. Not at home at least, not since I was about 12," Dom said, as he began to cry again, his head buried into the crook of your shoulder.

"Y/N, Y/N," He repeated, his voice shaky, as he rocked back and forth a little, trying to soothe himself. You decided that the best thing to try and do was get him to relax.

"Come lay down, Dom, I've got you," You said, as you laid down on the bed, and letting Dom lay over the top of you. As he laid down, you placed your hands on his chest, holding him that way. As he laid, he smiled softly.

"I'm sorry,"

You were nothing but confused.

"Dom, what have you got to apologize for?" You asked him, as you cupped your hands around his face, as you met him in the eyes softly.

After pausing for a moment, he shook his head. "I don't know, I just feel guilty," Dom said, as his hand held yours, holding it tightly. "Dom, you have a medical condition. What have you got to say sorry for?"

"It's not your responsibility for you to take care of me," Dom said, as you wiped his eyes. He wasn't crying anymore, but he was, extremely unlike him, quiet. 

"Dom, what do you do when I have an anxiety attack?" You asked him, in a gentle, sincere tone. 

"I help ya, because it's something you've got, and you don't choose to have it," He said, as though it was the most obvious question in the world to ask. And just as he said it, you saw the cogs turning in his brain as he realised how it exactly applied to his situation.

"See, Dom? That's the exact same thing with you! You don't have to be sorry!" You exclaimed. "Now, love, how about we just take it easy the rest of the night?" You smiled, as you sat up where you were laying.

"How about we watch some TV, order some food in, and then take it easy the rest of the night?" You offered, and Dom smiled at the thought of it.

"Alright, but you're paying," Dom said, with a proud smirk on his face. A smirk on your own face, you got off the bed, and then grasped Dom's hand to help get him up. "Anything to keep my baby happy,"


Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Lana 💐

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