Bookstore Girl [F]

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Summary: Dom's attention is caught by a particular woman in the bookstore

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Summary: Dom's attention is caught by a particular woman in the bookstore

A/N; This is just some cute Dom fluff, possibly inspired by my love of book shopping <3

Word Count: 3,400


July 5th.

July 5th was the first time I met Y/N.

My friend from schools birthday was coming up, and for a couple of weeks I'd been absolutely stumped on what to get them for a present, until, when I went round their house, it seemed hopelessly obvious.

They loved reading. Since I'd first met them, they had a lot of books. He was close to having a library of his own, if he kept collecting books at the rate he was doing so.

So, I looked out and found his Goodreads account, and looked through his "Read" list. It didn't seem there were many books he hadn't read, but I knew the kind of genres I was looking for.

Fantasy, romance and new adult books were mainly the genres that he read. So, without much more of a plan, I went into the local Waterstones in Doncaster.

As soon as I walked in, I was slightly overwhelmed by the amount of books there. While the store wasn't that big, there was still more books to pick from than I could possibly think about. 

Looking through the selection of the rest of the books, it really did not narrow anything down. Genres and sub genres seemed to blend into the other, and even fantasy seemed to go past what I was originally looking for.

The process got more and more difficult the more I thought about it. I would find a book, and it would look good, then I checked his account, and he'd have read it. Find a new one, check again.

Read it.

This process continued for a while until I drew my eyes away from the shelf I was looking at, and I saw her.

She immediately caught my attention, it was near impossible to ignore her. She was crouching down to reach the lower shelves, a pile of about five or so books resting on her crouched knees.

Her baggy black jumper hung loosely, showing her shoulders, and she was wearing a white layered skirt that came just below her knees. There was a thin pearl belt around the skirt, but it was clearly more decorative than actually helping as a belt.

And she was wearing a lot of jewellery. Various necklaces, rings, decorated her neck and hands, with bracelets around her wrists and earrings in. On top of all this, Docs and white knee high socks, hair done in a claw clip.

Quickly looking at the names of the books that she was carrying, and most were romance, a couple fantasy and some a mix of the two. In conclusion, exactly what I needed to buy for my best friends birthday.

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