Disneyland [F]

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Summary: The bodyguard of a famous author has to guard her and her daughter at Disneyland

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Summary: The bodyguard of a famous author has to guard her and her daughter at Disneyland

Word Count: 3,500

Dom's POV

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake!"

Rose's hands tap against my face, as she tries and wakes me up. She's standing on my chest, proudly stood in her pink Sleeping Beauty dress, and clutching her Fairy Godmother wand. "We have Disneyland!" She exclaimed.

If you didn't realise just yet, she is absolutely obsessed with Disney.

I reach over for my phone, as I look at the time. Christ. "Rose, it's five in the morning," I grumble, as I put my phone back down on the hotel bedside table. "I wanna go!" She complains, as she finally decides standing on me is not a good idea and can get a breath.

But, pretty much since Rose has been born, she's been obsessed with Disney. Every single Disney movie she's watched back, to back, to back. She has so many costumes of pretty much all of the Disney princesses, and some of just her favourite characters.

She runs around the house, or in the car, or on flights, singing all the songs. As sweet as it can be, it can sometimes be slightly headache inducing. There's only so many times you can hear a five old year scream the lyrics of whatever movie she's obsessed with at the moment.

But, one thing, she's never been to Disneyland.

Living in the UK, means we're neither near Florida or Paris, and due to her mum's busy work schedule, they don't too often have free time or a free schedule for holidays and trips to other places.

I've been the bodyguard for Y/N since she gave birth to Rose in July five years ago. Y/N was an extremely popular author, she's written year after years some of the most well known and well liked romance books.

Her most popular book, as well as her most recent release, Queen of Hell, has reached new heights of fame and popularity that no-one could ever possibly see coming. So, with COVID restrictions finally lifted, she could finally do some official press releases and signing for it.

This made my job a thousand times more important.

It was my job to sit next to her and keep an eye on her and the people who were approaching her whenever she was doing her book signings, and protect her from anyone suspicious. I was quite lucky in a fact that for the most part the fans were harmless.

They were mostly teenagers, between the ages of 12 to 19 year old, and they were vast majority women and teen girls, means for the most part, I could rely on them not being too much physical harm either. I instantly went on higher alert whenever men came over.

While the majority of them were boyfriends or dads of girls who were fans of the books, and has been sent to get their girlfriends or daughters books signed, there were of course a couple of men who were perverts.

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