Like A Virgin [S]

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Summary: Dom guides you and helps you through your first time

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Summary: Dom guides you and helps you through your first time

Word Count: 4,000

(With a little revisit of someone already from previous imagines)


May 17th

I feel my heart beating inside of my chest, as I lay down on my bed. I know Dom will be coming back seen, and it makes me so so nervous. We've been together for a year, and we still haven't done anything intimate together.

We met in March of 2021, after we got out of our first lockdown measures. Steph and I decided to go to Hyde Park, and have a picnic together and get drunk and basically just laze over the grass, while Steph gets absolutely piss faced. That, that was where I first saw Dom and his friends.

Steph practically screamed as she saw the three of them, Dom, Adam and Tom. They'd had the same ideas as us, they were having a picnic together, in the warm sunlight that was pretty unusual for English weather by March. Tom was shirtless, laying over the blanket, with his sunglasses over his eyes.

That was who'd caught Steph's attention.

"Oh he's fit, isn't he!?" She squealed, thankfully they were far away enough from us, that neither of them were going to be able to hear anything that she was saying. But, while Steph was dribbling over Tom, my eyes drew straight to Dom.

He was wearing a black vest with black shorts, which I couldn't understand the point of wearing shorter clothes, then wearing a colour that literally makes you warmer and gets warmer quicker.

But, I could not take my eyes off him. The soft glow to his eyes, from how much I could see them. There was something about him. His soft features, yet there was a sharpness to them. There was a sense that he wasn't too fussed whether he was perceived as attractive.

But he was attractive, he just didn't need to do anything to prove that fact to anyone else. Then, there was the task of trying to work up the balls to go and try to talk to them.

But, you need no convincing when Steph is around.

"YOU BOYS WANT A DRINK!?" She hollered, lifting up her bottle of Malibu which she'd brought with her to the picnic.

Adam laughed a little, as Tom sat up from where he was laying. "Alright, go on then," He said, as he gestured for me and Steph to come over. Grabbing our bags and our food, we made our way over, putting our blanket a few metres away from theirs.

"Pour us some," Tom said, as they put their empty glasses near us, and Steph leant over and poured some Malibu into the glasses, and then topped it off with a mix of pineapple and cranberry juice.

Giving their drinks back to them, Dom took his drink, and smiled a little, as his eyes glazed over me, as he looked me in the eyes. "I like your top," He complimented to me, and I beamed. "Can I get your number?" She asked to Tom.

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