Interviews [F]

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Summary: Doing your latest interview, Dom finds out the gender of your unborn child!

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Summary: Doing your latest interview, Dom finds out the gender of your unborn child!


Warnings List: Pregnant reader, mentions of bodily issues relating to being pregnant, Dom being a supportive asf dad to be, invasive questions from the public, MISS FLORENCE PUGH IS HERE, public TV talk show interview!

Word Count: 4,250


"Y/N L/N?" My doctor calls out, and I stand up from my seat. I am glad to stand up from my seat, as the back of the seats are uncomfortable as fuck. It takes me a few moments to stand up properly, and as I walk to the door, I'm more waddling than anything.

My baby bump is quite big at this point, a couple of people have pointed out that my stomach is way bigger than mosts for 5 months pregnant. I don't know whether they're right or not, but I thought being pregnant would mean people would clear off talking about my body.

Wishful fucking thinking.

My baby bump is like a hidden secret of mine. When you're stood behind me, you'd never think I was pregnant, you could not see by bump at all. But, to the side, I was full on pregnant. One thing I appreciated, was Dom not commenting about it.

Dom had been the most helpful partner imaginable with how it was difficult for me to adjust to being pregnant, as I'd of course never done it before, and it seemed my hormones were trying their absolute hardest to play with me and make me upset as possible.

We didn't even find out I was pregnant until 3 months ago, and everyone asks me how the hell I could be pregnant for two months and not realise yet. Listen, I still had my fucking period for two months.

Apparently that's relatively common.

I had all of the symptoms of being pregnant, I had bad morning sickness, food cravings and strong mood swings. But, there was explanation for all of those things. 

Morning sickness could've been anxiety, my food cravings were just dismissable as food cravings as I was still getting and having my period, and my mood swings were just PMS or whatever. I don't know if Dom thought I was pregnant, but he said I definitely needed to go see a doctor.

I went to my local doctor, and she said there was a very high chance I was pregnant. I tried to insist there was no chance I could be because of my periods, when she told me that it was actually quite common for periods to happen during pregnancy.

It's mostly to do with old or excess uterine lining being shed, I don't fully know the details. But, she gave me a pregnancy test, and told me to go take it. I did, and my heart stopped for a few seconds as I saw the results.

I was pregnant.

My hands were shaking, as the doctor congratulated me, and I headed home immediately.

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