Graduation [S]

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Summary: Dom wants nothing more except to spoil the reader during her graduation ceremony

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Summary: Dom wants nothing more except to spoil the reader during her graduation ceremony

Smut Warnings: Vibrator use, lingerie, Dom gets a lap dance from reader, heavy praise, pillow princess reader, sub!reader, gentle sex, hotel room sex!

Word Count: 5,250


An intense feeling of pride swells in my chest, as Steph takes her hand in mine.

Her hand wraps around mine, as she looks up at me, a smile beaming on her face, and I notice a speck of her classic red lipstick is on her teeth. Both of us are finally here; our university graduation ceremony.

We're Class of 2022, and finally finishing our graduating from the University Of Sussex. I've been here for four years now, doing my English Lit degree. We're finally here for the ceremony, and while I should not complain, these gowns are fucking itchy.

The graduation gowns are less than comfortable, as I have the black robe, with red inside of the hood. I've been trying to adjust the graduation cap for the last hour, and Steph's doing the exact same.

"Steph, you've got lipstick fucking everywhere," I giggle to her, as I show her my mirror, as she parts her lips to see her teeth. "Fucking hell!" Steph says, as she brings a finger to her teeth to clean them, as I am dying of laughter.

As I look at her, cleaning her teeth, a smile spreads on my face further, to the point that I swear my face is going to start hurting. We've both been here for so long, and now it's over. That weight, has finally been taken off my shoulders.

Both of us started uni here in 2018, and finally I met Dom in 2019. We met during our Easter break, though neither of us actually went home for Easter. We were stressed during our second year, and decided to get away to Amalfi for a week.

We were just enjoying our time, and our third day into the trip, we were in a bar, and Steph was flirting with different women at the bar, and getting girls to buy her drinks, and she must've been saving Euros on drinks.

And, the bar was also a restaurant, so we slipped into one of the booths, and got dinner. I remember Steph having to go on Google Translate and write out our order for the waiter. I was in the middle of a burger, when my eyes widened.

Our old seats in the bar had been replaced by three guys. The first was Tom, with long hair, and eyeliner. He was mainly being ogled at by Steph, as I looked across from the group. The second was Adam, with wavy black hair, and he was sat right next to him.


Dom was sitting there, and looked absolutely stunning. He was wearing a black Slipknot shirt, with a pair of white shorts, and wearing a pair of flip flops. His hair was still brown at the time, and he had a pair of sunglasses shoved into his hair.

His skin was tanned from the Italian sun, his green eyes glistening out against his tan skin and the messy smudged eyeliner around his eyes, I could get lost in them for the rest of my life. I was instantly attracted to him.

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