Vienna [A/F]

356 11 35

Summary: Dom comes straight to your rescue after a breakdown

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Summary: Dom comes straight to your rescue after a breakdown

Word Count: 3,000

Trigger Warnings: Heavy talk of anxiety and depression, mentions of unhealthy habits (sleep deprivation, poor diet), self doubt, panic attack, reader is having a major depressive episode (nervous breakdown)

If any of the themes disclosed above are too triggering, please do not read this imagine! Your wellbeing comes first - Lana 🤍


My hands are shaking repeatedly, as I try and press on my phone to call Dom, but I cannot stabilise my hands to save my life. I try and put my phone to my ear, but I can't keep it up, so I end up putting it down on the table next to me.

I know Dom's in the studio at the moment, but I need him. I'm completely mentally overwhelmed and I don't want to be on my own at the moment. I don't want to do something I'll regret, another thing stupid.

Everything's been building up to this for months along months now.

I feel terrible for having Dom being the only one who contributes to bills, paying money for the house, things for the house, etc. I'm painfully aware that Dom will pretty much always make more money than me, it weighs heavy on my mind.

Dom never mentions it to me, but it plays over and over on my head. So, I decided that I'd get a job at a publishing company, just to get some extra money for the house, and mostly for the sake of my own sanity.

But, that was when the teasing and making fun of began. It was, sadly, all the girls from my publishing company, more than it was from the men, and they just seemed to love to be mean to me, for no reason.

They'd make fun of me when I was just in the earshot where I could hear them, they'd extremely loudly mention how fun the gig was that they went to on the weekend was, or how good the food at dinner they'd all gone out together for was.

Without me.

Then, the workload was stressing me out. I knew it was my own fault deciding to get a job, and having such a long amount of hours to work. But, I did everything in my power to not tell Dom. He's got enough piling up on his plate, and I didn't want to add anything more to it, and stress him. 

So, I could just "ignore it". It was always just a stressful day, or a stressful week, and I would behave like it was a one-off. But, it would be week after week of stressful week, and days upon days would be heavy.

So, I wanted to ignore it. And I did.

I tried to manage too many things on top of each other. With Dom, I acted like nothing was wrong, to everyone else nothing was wrong. I wanted to travel around the world with Dom, and try and enjoy partying and dancing, and enjoy nights with Dom.

But, the moment that I got back to the hotel from gigs, I would go straight onto my laptop and finish whatever work was required of me. Whether it was reports, powerpoints, however long and complex it was, I would do it.

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