Carmilla [A/N]

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Summary: Dom is nervous to prepare for the newest courting season; especially because of the newest royalty; Regency/low fantasy AU

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Summary: Dom is nervous to prepare for the newest courting season; especially because of the newest royalty; Regency/low fantasy AU

Word Count: 2,500

Dom's POV

My painted black nails struggle as I try and put together the clasp on the back of my necklace. For a family heirloom, this could try and make my life a little easier. The necklace is a plain gold chain, with a coin shaped, solid gold charm on it.

I have to leave the house in the next thirty minutes, and I am sweating it. I need to finish getting ready, and I've felt so much pressure leading up to this occasion. It's September by now, and the summer is beginning to come to an end.

And under the rules of the newest royal family, autumn is courting season in England.

The Harrison family is a family of historical nobility, mainly through battles and wars throughout history. A lot of men in my family are past knights, and if another war starts in England, which thankfully hasn't in years, I will be expected to fight.

But, that's a whole other can of worms I don't need to be opening.

"DOM! Are you nearly ready, or you're going to be late!" My mum calls, and I grumble to myself. Still having my mum fuss over me at 22 years old is slightly embarrassing to say the least. I make another attempt to do up my necklace, sighing as I drop it.

Looking up in the mirror, my mum is stood in the doorway, and she has a smirk on her face, clearly trying not to laugh. "Mum, I'm already suffering, don't make this worst for me," I say, as I turn around, and she walks up to me.

Everyone says I look more like her by the day. I see it sometimes. We have the same green eyes, a similar nose shape, as well as similar lips. I'm proud to look anything like her, she's one of the strongest people I think exist.

"Come here, you big baby," She says, as she takes the gold chain from my hand, and begins to do up my necklace. This allows me to finish making sure the rest of my outfit, and that it's ready. It's some of my best clothes, I've been saving it a while.

It's a black top with puffed sleeves and a pressed down collar which is embroidered with gold roses, as well as gold outlining. The same pattern reflects onto the sleeves, with more of a focus on the thorn. 

To match my outfit, is a pair of high waisted black jeans, of the exact same colour. Decorated on my fingers are gold rings, four in total, as well as my nails painted black. I put multiple layers on, so they won't chip as much. Thankfully they haven't yet.

 Thankfully they haven't yet

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