Chapter 36: Memories

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I shook as I studied the map on my leg in the dark, trying to read it through my tears. I needed to get back to bed, I needed to return to Facility A before anyone woke up—before anyone saw that I was missing.

And I needed to figure out how to get rid of all of this blood on the way.

I sobbed as I limped through the halls, cradling my sore hand. The scalpel and the bleach wipe still rested between my fingers—and I was afraid to let them go incase I need them again.

I jumped at every creak and noise, my legs trembling. I found it hard to stand up, and the tears refused to stop flowing. The blood loss even caused me to see splotches on the spotless floor—and random ringing and chirps in my ears.

I even began to hear things calling my name.


I covered my ears, groaning aloud. I didn't want to hear it, I didn't want my head to mess with me anymore. It was either myself, or the Babysitter calling me.


I groaned again, hissing to myself as I stopped in my tracks. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. I felt sick, and the words made my head ache. I shook my head, blood dripping onto my hands.

"Stop quiet. No more—"

"Harper?! What the hell happened?!"

I gasped as my eyes shot open, the figure standing in front of me caused me to yelp and nearly fall back. I sobbed, my eyes going wide with horror as I realized who it was.

Who was in Facility B with me.

I coughed, my body shooting up in fits of pain as I fell back, barely managing to keep myself standing. The male watched me with wide eyes, his orbs flickering to the wound on my head and thigh—the blood soaking though my white clothing.

I held back a scream.


I gasped for breath, looking over the tall boy. My wrist burned as I jumped back, holding in a yelp. I tried to say something, but it was like my body fell back to the time where I couldn't speak.

I stuttered, my mouth dropping open in shock. How could he be in here?! He would need a keycard for that, and


"Harper! What happened to you?!  A-and where is this place?! Y-you are covered in...blood."

Pyne looked down at my body, his eyes wide. He looked almost ill, and I could see horror flash in his vision. I felt sick, and I forgot how to form words. I began to sway as my head spun.

Pyne noticed my broken wrist, wincing at the way it twisted to the side. He reached forward to touch the skin in confusion, only for me to hiss and retract away from him.

My head spun.

I nearly collapsed before Pyne caught me, letting me lean against him. I could feel my blood soak into the fabric of his pants, and he shivered.

"Harper! Answer me! What happened?!"

I mumbled, my head going dizzy. I swallowed, my stomach feeling all icky and sick. I shook my eyes, leaning my chin limply against Pyne's shoulder. The boy tensed.

" did you get in here, Pyne? How—keycard...when—"

Pyne huffed, pulling my blood-drenched hair out of the wound on my face. He seemed less affected than a normal person would be, and I hissed as his finger grazed my wound.

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