Chapter 12: Hope

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The man quickly led me down the halls, his words running through my head. My heart leapt with nervousness as I realized I had to be perfect—or by the way the man talked, something bad would happen.

A little part of me hopes any was still in that trance, so she wouldn't get in trouble.

I shook and swallowed down my fear as the man turned the corner, me following to reveal dozens of children piling into the doorway to what seemed to be the room where we will have dinner in.

They were all single-file, and their faces were straight and uptight. Not a wrinkle as in their clothes, and I could feel my heart pound with the worst kind of nostalgia.

This was all to familiar, but the organization part kind of set me off. I took a deep breath, quickly noticing when the man turned to face me. He gave me a monotone expression, but I knew his words had more emotion than that.

"Act like everyone else, and you'll be fine. I'll be in there, but I won't be able to help you if you don't help yourself. The Master will blend in with everyone else, so always be perfect. Do you understand?"

I nodded, although a quickly realized his words of advice seemed more like a warning.

I found my way behind one of the children, a girl who looked just like me—and I followed behind her, making sure my face and body language was similar to hers—and everyone else's.

Once a stepped into the room, a gust of cold air and bleach hit me in the face. I tried to not make an expression as the feeling burnt my nose. I was almost too distracted by the smell to notice anything else.

My chest ached and tightened painfully at what I saw.

At least a hundred children piled in a line around the edges of the large, empty room. It was completely silent, except for the pattering of polished feet—and surprisingly, there wasn't a table in sight.

I raised a brow.

I thought this was dinner. How are we supposed to have supper...dinner without any tables?

I followed the girl in front of me until she stopped, standing flat against the wall. I followed her lead, watching as the rest of the children did so too. It was like they were waiting for a command, like puppets or robots or...dolls.

I watched their posture and I mimicked it as best as I could. I straightened my back and raised my shoulders high. I decided my goal for tonight was to blend in as much as possible—I wouldn't want to stand out my first day here, especially not in a bad way.

It might make it harder to escape if people have their eyes on you.

I felt rather nervous, knowing that someone would be watching my behavior. But as I looked around at all the other children, I realized that, as long as I was like them—I would be fine.

I hoped.

Out of the blue (or white), about a dozen or more people with white, shiny suits or flawless nurse uniforms piled into the large room as well. I swallowed uneasily.

I could spot Transfer 342 out by his white framed glasses, and his presence brought me some sort of comfort. At least I knew someone in this room.

But the feeling quickly passed as I realized the Master—whoever that was—could easily be one of the men in suits. Actually, by what the man said, he was here, and had to be one of the men in the suits.

My expression quickly froze.

Transfer 342 was holding his digital clipboard, scanning both the screen and the children around him. His eyes ran past me, although I could tell he noticed me. I swallowed uneasily.

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