Chapter 21: Theo

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I held my breath at the realization that him—this boy, as an authority—used his real name instead of Number. I didn't say anything, instead—I opted to lock my knees in the hopes I would end up passing out.

He openly said his name, and I looked around in wonder. I knew people heard it, but no one reacted to him.

His role at making children comfortable...

It made sense, and I could only assume that's why he used his real name. He wanted the other children to think this place was alright. Although I was sure he had his 'experiment' name as well.

But something felt off about that.

I didn't answer, so he carried on, taking me by the hand and leading me to the table. And strangely enough, two seats were left open for us—side by side at the table.

I hesitantly sat down as Theo did as well, facing me once he did do. He seemed overexcited to talk to me, and I had to refrain from passing constant looks and Transfer 342.

He looked terrified.

I noticed the Ace and Natalia were sitting a few seats down from me, and they kept on passing me anxious looks. The same with Pyne—although his were more angry and betrayed.

I would have to explain this to the children later.

I had no plan of this happening.

Theo passed a look around the table before he began speaking to me, more giggly than before. I avoided eye contact as he carried on, his eyes glued to me.

"So, Miss 737–I've been wanting to speak to you for a while now..."

The servants handed out what seemed to be bowls of plain oatmeal, and Theo waited patiently until the speaker announced we could eat. I took a bite as he did—and I was relieved it was just plain oatmeal.

No vinegar this time.

"I've had questions to ask..."

I looked up when he said that—watching as he pushed a spoonful between his full lips. He smiled gratefully.

"About where you came from..."

Make sure to always be polite, and whatever you do, don't violate any regulations.

I swallowed as I nodded. I knew that meant no lying, no keeping secrets—and I scanned the room in the hopes I could spot the Master this time.

But there was no luck—he blended in perfectly.

Theo took another bite of his food, and I did as well. I had no swell of appetite in me, and at this point—I would rather throw up everything I have eaten until this point than put another mouthful in.

At least it wasn't blood.

Theo turned to face me, politely resting his hands in his lap. I stopped eating, slowly turning my attention to him. I bit my tongue nervously.

"So tell me," he grinned, cocking his head to the side.

"How was it at your last residence...your last permanent one?"

Don't violate perfect. Be perfect. The Master is watching...

The Master knows...

"Horrible..." I said slowly and cautiously, watching as his eyes slightly widened. He smiled, seeming pleased.

He knew something.

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