Chapter 30: Unexpected Help

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I nearly laughed at the relief I felt. But almost as soon as my arm was clean, Theo quickly approached me with a panicked manner—dragging me away from the Master. My heart skipped a beat.

He doesn't know, he wasn't facing my direction...

But my mind completely shattered as Theo laughed slightly, his fidgety hands making its was to feel around my sleeves—my torso

My face went red.

Theo was searching for something...

There's no way he could know...

I knew Theo was searching for something, even though I could clearly see the smile still written on his face. It was as though he was trying to hide the fact he was looking for something on me with his expression.

That's when I came to the conclusion that Theo must have a way to hear the violated regulations. That had to be the case. He was looking for whatever I stole.

My face paled. I had to distract him, before he found the keycard.

"Theo," I spoke, watching nervously as his hands began to near the pocket where the keycard was in. He hummed in acknowledgment, although he didn't respond.

I held my breath, realizing I had to do something now or he would find the keycard any second.

Just then, I noticed the Master patting his pocket, the pocket I took the keycard out of. I hissed as I made eye contact with him. I could feel my heart rapidly slamming in my chest as I realized it was over.

Theo was searching me.

The Master realized his keycard was missing.

It was over.

But suddenly, the Master dropped his hand from his pocket, looking over me. An unfamiliar look was in his eyes, but it wasn't anger or distress—it was something else.

Theo paused his searching as the Master cleared his throat, approaching us. My face went pale and I could feel my legs tremble. Things are about to go wrong—or absolutely horrible.

I should've waited. I shouldn't have done that. Stupid Harper...stupid, stupid—

"Is there a problem?" The Master asked, and Theo gave him a rather odd look. I felt sick, and Theo's hand hovered right above the pocket with the keycard.

Theo gave him a 'what or who do you think you're talking to' look before he eventually relaxed, facing away from me. Theo stopped looking for the keycard, but I knew the Master was aware his was missing. I could feel my hands tremble.

"The other staff are talking of how one of the students, the younger ones, I may add—have stolen a scanner from one of our staff. We can't tell which child it is, or whether they actually stole the device—or the staff member just lost it. What do you suppose we do to act upon this situation? You are best with the children...after all."

Theo froze, and my eyes went wide. I had no clue what was going on—but one thing I was certain of—the Master got me out of trouble, whether it was intentional or not. And he definitely knew I had the keycard.

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