Chapter 5: The Curtained Room

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I knew looking back wasn't an option.

The steady steps trailed behind me, and I could feel my body tense up. I knew if I looked back, whoever it was would start running. As long as I pretend I don't see them, they won't speed up.

And hopefully, they won't catch me.

I tried to keep my breathing steady as I walked ahead, keeping my legs from moving me faster. I had to think of something—anything. I knew I couldn't keep this oblivious facade up for long.

The footsteps behind me were slowly speeding up, and mine unintentionally began to as well. By the time I reached the end of the dividing hall, I knew it was too late. He knew I was aware.

As soon as I heard the sound of tapping speed up towards me, I jolted to the right—speeding down the hall as fast as I could move. My eyes flickered behind me as I turned, and I was surprised to see the same guy as earlier. The one with the glasses and the syringe, the syringe still held high in his right hand.

What was he doing still following me? And with that syringe?

I huffed, my younger age and higher stamina rushing ahead of him quickly. My bare feet threatened to slip on the polished floor. I only dared to turn around when the sound of footsteps disappeared from behind me. I slowed down, finally slowing to a stop—my eyes turned in the direction the man was once in.

He was gone.

I waited in that spot, listening for the patter of feet. Perhaps waiting to see his figure heading down the hall. Nothing. He stopped. It seemed the man had given up and turned around.

Or at least that's what he wants me to believe.

The man probably knows his way around this place better than I do, and he might just be taking a hall that would lead him straight back to me.

The thought made me nervous as I decided to continue down the hall. I needed to find a place to hide—until the man was off my back. I was smart enough to know he had a plan for me and that syringe, and he wouldn't give up that fast.

I checked the doors once again, hoping there would be an unlocked one. I had no idea if I'd already been down this hall, but it wouldn't hurt to check just in case.

In only a few minutes, I turned a corner and found myself right where the paper trail all started—the curtain that shielded the pool of bleach. Almost as if on cue, I heard the sound of footsteps again, coming from behind me.

I had no choice but to hide in the curtained room. The thought made me sick.

I quickly made my way to the curtain, only pulling it aside a little before I gasped, quickly stumbling back. I looked around—stuck in my tracks.

There was someone in there.

I only saw for a moment, but it was a soaked, naked younger boy and what looked to be a woman who seemed to have the same higher position as the man who brought me here—the one with the syringe.

She wore what seemed to be a white nurse uniform, her hair and skin nearly blending in with it. Her long, white hair was pinned back up in a neat bun. But what was strange about her was the white, doll resembling mask on her face. It was porcelain and pristine—mixing with the rest of her all too well. It looked inhumane, making her seem almost like a living doll. Almost human...but not quite there.

The thought made me shiver.

The woman was unstrapping the shivering boy from the table, leading him into a back room. Her masked face remained blank, as though she felt no pity or emotions for the boy. It made the room all the more surreal. It was as though she was fake, or made out of plastic. All of her, not just the mask.

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