Chapter 44: Discussion

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Kiera stood up, straightening out her clothes. I could feel my eyes go wide.

"After the lights go off, I'll go with you."

I stuttered, and even Pyne looked shocked. I never thought she would volunteer herself like that. I raised a brow.

"Are you...sure?"

Kiera nodded, completely sure of herself.

"Absolutely. I know where all the guards are stationed, so I could help you avoid them and find the person you need. Besides, I want to help. It seems like this guy is important to you."

I suddenly smiled, an amazed smile. I didn't expect Kiera—a timid, shy, hidden girl to volunteer to go with me. I felt almost honored.

Pyne didn't say anything, in fact, he seemed surprised Kiera volunteered as well. I swallowed, nodding.

"Well, okay. Thank you, Kiera. But you understand what will happen if we are caught, right? You'll be punishedtased because of me. I know Theo won't hurt me, but he will hurt you—"

"It's okay, Harper. I'm not afraid."

I nodded. Pyne didn't try to stop her from going with me, realizing being caught meant something awful for him. He decided it would be best if he didn't go.

Everything was going to go to plan.

The wait until it was time for bed was exhaustingly long. I was nervous and twitchy, and the thought of sneaking out again made me sick. I was almost nauseous with fear.

Theo had a servant send me another white flower—perhaps as a half-hearted apology for earlier. I didn't mess with it, putting it under my pillow to keep it out of my mind.

Of course, I knew Theo didn't really feel bad. He didn't care if what he did was wrong.

Besides, I was slowly coming to the conclusion that Theo wanted something from me. He was selfish—and I didn't think he would do anything that didn't benefit him.

But after what seemed to be hours of waiting and waiting, the lights flickered off—and it was time for Kiera and I to leave.

I held my breath as I jumped out of bed, Kiera following my steps. I watched as Pyne sat up, his eyes landing on me in the darkness. I could tell he was worried.

"I'll be safe," I whispered, and I could see him nod. I heard him sigh rather deeply in the shadows.

"You absolutely won't be safe going out there. Just don't get caught."

I giggled lightly as I nodded, Kiera and I both slowly creeping out the door, into the dark, cold hall. A gust of fresh, chilling air hit my skin, and I took a deep breath.

This was it.

My questions would be answered.

Kiera was right before. She knew exactly where the guards were stationed, and she led me smoothly and quickly around them. In fact, it only took us about ten minutes to find Transfer 342–and I smiled gratefully.

I didn't think about how she knew it. All I knew it that it was useful.

She would be a lot of help when we try to escape.

Transfer 342 was just around the corner, but when Kiera tried to follow me towards the figure, I stopped her—keeping her back from proceeding. I bit my lip.

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