Chapter 28: Facility B

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The slow walk through the halls to find the door was agonizing. I had to resist the urge to not speed up, to not seem too excited. I couldn't let Theo catch on.

Usually the secrets are hidden with it's keeper, and if the exit—the way out is in Facility B, that explains why no child has left before. They couldn't get into that side to find an escape.

When we reached the door, Theo pulled out a card from his white dress pants, sliding it across a digital scanner attached to the door. It made a beeping noise before the door clicked open, allowing our entry.

A gust of bleach scented air flew at me, and my heart slammed wildly in my chest. So fast that I worried Theo could feel it through my arm.

I was met with halls identical to the ones in Facility A—but I didn't let that fool me. I knew there was more—there had to be. The Boss was here.

Unlike in the other side of the facility, Theo didn't talk much. In fact, he didn't say anything as we walked through the quiet halls. Not a word left his mouth—and that let me know that this place was special—and definitely forbidden to me.

Perhaps Theo wanted to keep it a secret that I was in here.

I looked silently around, studying the halls, the walls, the doors. I had a feeling I would be back here, and I needed to know my way around.

Almost as quickly as we entered, Theo stopped walking, turning to face a door just like the others. I was disappointed we reached his room so fast, but at least we were in Facility B for some time.

However, I didn't see anything interesting.

Perhaps I could convince him to show me around more.

I hardly payed attention as Theo opened the door, showing me inside. But when I did, it was a sight to see.

The walls were lavish and white, one of them clear and full of a white liquid that bubbled and fell slowly like a lava lamp. The floor was clean and shiny and white—so polished that it almost seemed wet.

White artificial roses were in a large vase next to his bed, on a circle nightstand. And his bed—I had never seen such a beautiful one in my life.

I felt off—admiring the beauty of a bed, but it was like something out of a book.

Silky white sheets, at least a dozen pillows surrounding the headboard, the same long privacy curtains hanging off to the side. I suddenly felt a twang if jealousy at the realization that Theo got to sleep here every night.

"Wow," I mumbled, looking around in awe.

Instead of a bathroom like ours, there was a clear wall that showed what was on the other side of the matching, clear door. He had a hot tub that was bubbling with water, and a small table that was covered with hygiene products.

There was a floor length mirror in the bathroom—and I didn't realize my mouth was gaping open until I heard Theo chuckle lightly.

I looked at him, and he smiled wider.

"I told you it was nice. But you seem like you haven't seen anything this wonderful before. Experiencing the wonder you have from this is rather thrilling. I had never thought curiosity would look so perfect..."

I did hear his words, although I didn't listen. I began to study the artificial flowers. The flowers...they reminded me of something...

I lit up at the thought—the thought of when I first arrived. The white flowers—the garden...the garden!

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