Chapter 61: Time

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Theo was lying.

"That—that couldn't be true. You counteracted your own words. You said that you met me, you went to Mommy's house after you talked with Kai. I was gone before Kai got here. You're lying because—if what you were saying was true—you would have had to hear about me after I left Mommy's house, but meet me sometime before even Kai knew me—my first day there. You—you are lying! This doesn't make sense! Besides...if that was would be dead! The—the little boy died! I would know—I-I ate him!"

I was going hysterical. Nothing made sense, and everything was wrong. Theo was lying—he had to be. But by the way he giggled after my words, I knew there was something else to it.

"You sound a little frantic right now, love. Perhaps you should sit down, you are losing your composure. And you didn't eat me, no—as a reward for your bravery in helping me, I unlocked the door for Anna before I exchanged bodies once again. The boy died—yes, but I didn't."

I swallowed. That was one thing I couldn't hate him for. Even if it was for selfish reasons, even if it wasn't out of the goodness in his heart, he did save Anna. But I would never thank him for it.

It would boost his ego.

But I didn't have time to think before Theo lit up, continuing on. It seemed he loved to talk.

"Oh, dear me! And I completely missed a part—and I was so excited to tell you! How could I forgetsweetheart, come with me—I have something to show you!"

I tried to shake my head, but when he wondered off into the shadows, I followed him. I knew he wouldn't answer my questions until he showed me what he wanted to show me—and for some reason, I felt as though it involved his special project.

I ran after him, but it only took a few seconds before we stopped in front of what seemed to be a big metal door. The boy giggled, nearly jumping with excitement.

"Ta-da! Here it is! My special project!"

I paused, swallowing.

"And what does this...door...have do with—"

Theo interrupted me, nearly slapping himself on the forehead. He sighed outwardly, followed by a thrilled giggle.

"Goodness me! I'm getting so worked up, I keep on forgetting to explain myself. I do apologize dear, but please stay patient with me! I'll get to it—"

Theo squealed like an excited child, clapping his hands together. He swallowed with excitement.

"So, the whole reason—well, you see—I could only—agh, there's no point—I can't wait! The special project is a time machine!"

I paused, pushing my brows together. I didn't believe him—that was impossible. You can't move through time—time machines are something out of a sci-fi movie, not real life.

But I then thought about Theo's other inventions, and I got a bad feeling. I thought about Mommy, and I got a mad feeling. None of those things should be possible—but they are.

The way Theo appeared at the beginning of the dark room over and over again—the dark room that had the voices. That would explain how he did that.

A time machine.

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