Chapter 59: Boss

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To ignore the regret and pain rushing through me, I decided not to think. I mindlessly traveled through the halls, wiping away the flow of tears.

I didn't even have a keycard—I didn't know what I was doing here—why I decided to stay back. I wouldn't be able to find the Boss, no one has before.

No one but Theo. 

I sighed outwardly. If I asked him, Theo would help—but I couldn't trust him to lead me to the right place. No, I couldn't trust him at all. In fact, he might be waiting by the Boss's side for me.

I would have to find him on my own.

The halls were silent as I stumbled through them. I would have to find a keycard—and I would just look through the doors and halls until I find him. Until I found the Boss.

But I had no idea where to start.

Well, that was until I heard footsteps around the corner of the hall.

I didn't bother freezing, I didn't even bother stopping as I sped up my pace towards the footsteps. I recognized them.

After time at Mommy's house, I had learned to distinguish footsteps—recognize them. I knew these footsteps, these intentionally echoed footsteps. Whoever was walking was making their footsteps loud, taunting—trying to get my attention.

Theo was trying to lead me somewhere, trying to get me to notice him.

I scowled, and as soon as I began to pace towards the footsteps—they sped up, going down another hall. I followed the noise, not seeming to care at first—before I realized he might be going where I wanted to go.

He might be leading me to the Boss in the hopes I would lose, in the hopes I would submit to Theo and his rules. In the hope that I would get caught in his trap. He might be leading me to the Boss with a trap set in mind.

But I wouldn't get caught—I would let Theo lead the way, yes. But I wouldn't let him know I'm following him—not anymore.

Hours and hours of creeping around Mommy's house did end up coming in handy.

I slipped off my shoes as I turned another corner, setting them on the floor. I swallowed heavily, realizing the sound of my footsteps would no longer be an indicator that I was following the boy.

I would be silent.

I carefully and quietly followed the boy, and I smiled when his footsteps finally slowed and same to a stop. I could tell he was listening for me—the sound of my pearly and shiny white shoes on the floor.

But he heard nothing. I knew he heard nothing. He couldn't have heard anything.

But over time...I had learned that Theo was aware of a lot more things than it seemed. And I could feel my heart drop at the thought that Theo knew exactly what I was doing, and exactly where I was.

But it didn't matter.

Nothing mattered anymore—nothing except finding the Boss and removing his chip. It didn't matter if Theo was aware of where I was heading, or how I was following him. It didn't—

I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts as his footsteps began again, fast this time—heading away from me. I gasped as I realized he was running away from my direction, leaving me without a guide, leaving me without a way to the Boss.

I immediately slipped and stumbled after the boy in my socks, gasping as I realized I couldn't move as fast as I could with my shoes on. Theo was getting ahead of me—I would lose Theo.

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