Chapter 2: Daddy's House

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We drove up to--what was to be expected--a large, what seemed to be five-story building. It was white, and not one patch of dirt or a scratch was visible on it's shining, painted walls. I would like to say that there were no buildings nearby, but I wouldn't know by a large amount of property surrounding the place. A garden was placed in front of the house, surrounding the white tiled pathway to the entrance. It was filled with pale leaves and white lilies and roses and the most beautiful snowy white jasmine flowers I have ever seen. There even seemed to be a crystal clear pond on the left of the property, silky white swans and doves residing there.

The man opened the door for us, letting us out. As soon as we exited the vehicle, the man grimaced at the sight of the inside of the limousine, as though it was dirty. I looked inside myself, and there seemed to be nothing different about the cleanliness.

Rosabeth immediately ran forward into the garden, smelling the delicate flowers and skipping around as though she had a spotlight in some princess movie. The man took the bags, making sure to keep them a good distance away from his body. What a clean-freak.

I followed Rosabeth into the garden, making sure to keep in line with the white-tiled pathway. The place was gorgeous, however, that intoxicating smell of bleach still lingered in the air. Strangely, all the flowers and orchids were only visible with the color white--as though they were painted that color. The garden only resided with white birch trees and the palest cherry blossom trees ever seen. And that seemed unusual to me.

The man followed close behind as we wandered around. We made our way to the door, the towering white slabs of polished marble amazing me. Everything seemed so expensive. The man pushed open the door for us, letting us in. As to be expected, everything was polished, pearly, and white. Immediately, the stench of bleach hit me in my face, running down my throat. I gagged, my nose beginning to burn. I wheezed from my throat as the aroma became definingly strong, especially after the man closed the door behind us.

Rosabeth coughed, pinching her nose together with two fingers. "It stinks in here," she frowned, scrunching her nose. I nodded.

The man pointed upstairs, into a bright hallway. My heart began to beat faster as a sickening feeling crept into my spine. "You may find your rooms up there, and you will be greeted promptly by the other children." There are more...other children?

I could feel my face pale and my heart banging around inside of my chest.

The man looked down and avoided eye contact with us as he spoke, as though he felt guilty. "They will clean you up, and prepare you for dinner. You have to be looking well for Master...pardon me, I meant your new Daddy." He refused to look at us as he walked away. Rosabeth was already heading up the silky white stairs, and I could see him look back, at Rosabeth, just one last time. He looked guilty.

I breathed in through my mouth, gagging at the smell of bleach. I didn't want to go upstairs. I didn't want to meet the other children. I didn't want to be here at all.

I snapped my fingers, gaining Rosabeth's attention. I was going to leave. I knew it wasn't safe here. I could feel it. I motioned her to come down, to come to me. We would leave together. But, horrifyingly, she didn't listen. She giggled, sticking her tongue at me. I could feel my whole body shiver in terror as she turned her back to me and started skipping up the stairs once again.

I gasped, running up after her. She looked back and giggled, as though this was a game. She laughed and only ran faster up the stairs--running away from me. Horror clawed at my chest as she ran into the hallway. I could feel my eyes water in fear as I slowed down my pace, peaking over the top steps.

Rosabeth was standing in the middle of the hall, looking down at me with a noticeable childish smirk on her face. I finished climbing the stairs, only for her to run to one of the doors, perhaps attempting to hide in there.

She stopped in the doorway.

I stumbled a step or two forward, making sure I stayed close to the stairway. The smell of bleach was terribly strong now--I could feel my senses starting to melt away.

"Look at all of our brothers and sisters Harper! They are so-"

I was never rough with Rosabeth. Not once in my life did I hurt her or discipline her in any shape or form. But I couldn't stop myself this time. I sharply grabbed the back of her shirt, yanking her back and making her fall on the shiny marble. She immediately burst into tears, throwing a tantrum on the floor as any six-year-old would. That's when I saw them.

I gasped and backed away slightly when I saw them. Two almost identical children came out of the room, their piercing eyes locked on us. I looked at them in horror. They both had the same pure white hair and the same crystal, cold, blue eyes and the same inhumanly pale skin. It was as though they were clones of each other, and it was horrifying. They wore nothing but white--the girl wearing a white dress and pinafore, with knee-high socks and dress shoes. The boy wore silky white slacks and a tucked-in, button-up shirt with matching shoes. They would have to be identical twins or something of the sorts.

But my view changed when I saw not one, but three more children, identical to the original two, walk out of the same room. They weren't clones. They weren't born like this. They had different faces and lips and bodies. They were not created.

They were changed to this.

Daddy [Mommy Sequel]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz