Chapter 6: Not How I Planned

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I gasped as the woman moved towards me, rather quickly as a matter-of-fact. I jumped back, stumbling and nearly tripping over myself again.

Rosabeth watched with blank eyes at the scene. It wasn't her, I knew it. Something was wrong—she would never do this.

I begged her with my motions and eyes to help. To do anything. To take back what she said.

It was pointless.

The woman grabbed my arm, yanking me out the door. A shiver ran down my throat as something came to mind. I only struggled with her more. Rosabeth said I was out of dress code.

Out of dress code?...

I remembered the children's pale, sick faces and their white, uptight hair. I remember their similar clothes and the way they resembled dolls.

I remembered the boy in the curtained room...

Everything connected as I realized that was what was happening to him. They were turning him into one of them. Whatever was in that bubbling pool wasn't just bleach, it was chemicals that could do a human.

I knew screaming was pointless, considering the fact that no one would hear it either way. She grabbed both of my hands, twisting it behind my back. That caused me to struggle even more, kicking and biting if it meant I could be free of her restraints.

My heart was pounding dangerously in my chest, and adrenaline was rushing through my veins. I had to get out. I couldn't let her turn me into that.

I had almost pulled myself away when a jolt of electricity ran through my right arm. I shook with the shock, letting out a painful gasp. She had a taser.

My legs collapsed in on themselves as the woman continued to drag me across the hall, to the curtained room. I twitched, my entire body beginning to ache. The taser wasn't as strong as the first time—but it did leave my legs and the rest of my body with a fainting feeling and a painful tingle.

Tears began to flood out of my eyes as I tried to pull away again, only receiving another painful electric pulse through my arm. My breathing became shallow as I struggled to keep fighting.

My throat began to ache.

She dragged me into the room, pulling me up to the table. I struggled even more. My eyes widened in horror.

This can't be happening to me. This can't happen...the table...the pool of chemicals—

She attempted to lift me up to the table, but I only retaliated, pulling myself down and ignoring the painful buzz coming from the taser. My eyes watered.

My body began to painfully twitch as I realized the electricity was beginning to be too much to handle.

I looked to the side to see the arm that was holding the taser lodged in my arm. Even through my watering eyes, I saw a clear opportunity.

I reached over and snapped my teeth down on her arm, my teeth sinking into her flesh. I could feel the blood beginning to quickly seem in my mouth. She gasped, now pushing the spikes on the tasers in my neck. My eyes opened in pain.

My throat...

The invisible wound—the wound I thought was a dream was shot up with electricity and flames. My teeth shook with the electricity as I let go, pulling away from the taser and holding the invisible wound.

There had to be something wrong with me.

The pain in my neck was almost that of the first time I woke up—the time I thought was a dream. It ached and burned, and it felt as though needles were being ripped through the skin on my neck. I let out a sob as the woman hoisted me onto the table.

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