Chapter 58: Goodbye

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Kai didn't ask about Alayah. By the look on his face when we stumbled out in front of the waiting pair, I could see he knew something happened. Something bad happened to Alayah, and she wouldn't be coming out with us.

His face dropped, and I could see his body shake with a horrified realization—but he didn't say a word.

I was silent as I ran ahead of the group, quietly signaling for them to follow me once again. Alex tried to say something, but it seemed his words were caught in his throat as he stared at me, the air tense.

I swallowed heavily, chills running down me as I took a heavy breath. We were about to escape—they were about to escape. Theo said he wouldn't interfere anymore—and they would get out.

This would be my last moments with them, with any of them—unless I won. Unless I removed the chip from the Boss. Unless I somehow made it out alive—defeated a fate I knew might be mine.

The Boss is nearly indestructible...

A sour, bitter breath left my mouth as I followed the map on my thigh down a hall, finally coming to a stop in front of a closed door. I swallowed, surprised that Theo didn't make a comment about the cuts on my leg. But Theo didn't matter now.

I reached in my pocket to grab the keycard—and it suddenly hit me. My heart slowed, and a wave of cold ran over me as the realization swallowed me up like water.

This was it.

This was the end.

I took my time as I took out the card, slowly unlocking the door. My fingers went tingly, and I suddenly felt like passing out. The world spun as tears pricked my eyes.

I turned the handle, opening the door.

A gust of cold air hit me, and and chills ran over me like insects. I could feel my body shake and cower at the sight of the couch, and the tiny red fingerprints that peeked out from the shadows from last time.

I was regretting my decision.

Would this be the last time I would see any of them—any of my friends? Would I never talk to them or walk by their side after today? After the next five minutes?

I rushed them in the doorway, turning the flickering light on and shutting the door quietly. I didn't notice a light last time, but that didn't matter.

I knew I didn't have to worry about staying quiet or hiding anymore.

As long as I didn't go with them, they would be safe.

I faced the curious, anxious group—and it suddenly hit me how many was left. Four, five including me. Only five left.

Was there only five left before?

I can't remember.

At the beginning, there were three more—at least I thought. But I knew, if I won, if I set the children free and removed the chip from the Boss, there would be a lot more left.

Nearly everyone would be saved.


But what if I didn't make it—what if I didn't win?

Would this be the last time I saw my friends—family?

Would I regret trying to save everyone else?

Should I go through with this?

What if this is a mistake?

I winced at the thought.

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