Chapter 53: Brainwashed

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The halls were quiet as we neared the entrance to Facility B. I could tell the other children were nervous, and I was as well. I could feel my stomach twist with knots at the idea of what would happen to the children.

"What will w-we do to defend ourselves?" Charlotte asked quietly, so quiet I almost didn't hear her.

"If the children try to...hurt us."

Kai and I looked towards each other, before we looked to Alex. The man with glasses shrugged, seeming deep in thought about something.


I suddenly remembered the phrase Mommy used for our weapons, and I shivered. The thought made me sick, and Alex didn't seem to know what he said until Ace brought the word up in confusion.

"Oh...I meant weapons. Our hope should be that we leave before the code is activated, or we just avoid the children. But if matters come to it, there are things we can use to defend ourselves."

The thought of hurting defenseless, controlled children made me sick. I felt my legs shake, and a cold, anxious breath left my lungs. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Except the man I needed to hurt—but he didn't count. He hurt others first.

"How did you get here?" I slowly asked Alex, hoping it would change the conversation, the topic of hurting children. The man looked at me, and I swallowed. Everyone listened in to our words.

"What really happened—on your...birthday?"

Alex cleared his throat, making an expression that said he was thinking. He seemed rather uncomfortable with the topic.

"Well, Mshe didn't kill me, obviously. That night, I remember lying awake beside Anna—I was too scared to sleep. And I remember watching as the door slowly creeped open. I didn't hear her come upstairs, I didn't hear anything—I just saw her slowly push the door open."

Alex paused, and I could feel my heart pound in my chest.

"She came in the room, and I vividly remember how normal she looked, how real she seemed. I felt sick when she asked me to follow her downstairs, and I thought she was going to kill me—but she opened the front door."

My eyes widened, and even Alex seemed surprised with his words.

"Yeah, I know. She opened the door and told me goodbye, and I remember being scared to leave. I thought it was a trap, and that she was going to kill me if I went through the door. But it wasn't a trap, and I left. You know, now that I think about it, I regret leaving. I left all of you behind—"

"I don't blame you," Kai interrupted.

"Any one of us would've taken the opportunity."

Alex chuckled, shaking his head.

"Not Harper. I know you wouldn't, Harper. Kai, when he first arrived, told me what you did. Told me how you went back and risked your life to get everyone out. You could've left—but you didn't. I wish I was as brave as you..."

Alex swallowed.

"Anyways, I walked around for a few minutes before a white car pulled up. I didn't go with them voluntarily, so they stuck an injection in me and made me go with them. Next thing I know, I'm here—working for a crazy child and a man I've never met before."

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