Chapter 24: Study Room

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I nodded, holding my breath to keep myself from exclaiming in joy.

It was Kai—I was right!

Kai was here!

"Where is he?" I asked rather loudly, forgetting where I was at the moment. Pyne hissed, wincing at the volume. He looked around in panic, although surprised I wasn't in trouble yet.

"I don't know—I don't know. I told you not to look for him, so it doesn't matter. Now, will you be quiet?"

Pyne quickly got back to writing on the digital tablet, but I couldn't focus enough to get back to studying. Kai was here, my Kai—the Kai I thought was dead.

My eyes watered as I stared blankly down at the digital table. I had to look for him, during the meals—every chance I could. I had to find him, and I couldn't let Theo distract me like he did before.

I suddenly thought about my plan, and my heart leapt in my chest. My plan to get out—it was all going to change. I couldn't leave without Kai.

This time, I wouldn't escape without him.

I would find him, and I would get him out with Rosabeth and I. It might take longer, but it was worth it. I wouldn't leave Kai behind again.

I smiled to myself, and Pyne looked over at me, his eyes fluttering to my face. He stared at me for what seemed to be a long time before he looked back to his digital tablet, continuing to write.

He seemed sad, but his expression morphed to fear as he looked behind me. I didn't notice until it was too late.

"Pyne, do you think—"

"Three marks for talking during designated study time results in an electrical voltage injection. Take care to correct your violations before you make the mistake again."

Before I could react, before I could even turn to face the sound of the voice, something hot and burning was pressed into my arm, and my eyes began to water.

Almost immediately after, the electrical surge came, and I bit my tongue, feeling as my whole body shook with the sensation. It felt as though my arm was on fire.

My arms and legs tingled as I could feel the energy coarse through my skin. My arm spasmed and twitched with pain, and at that moment, I realized I had been caught. The teacher had caught us for speaking, and this was my punishment.

My arm began to ache and burn and violently twitch with the electricity, and it was at that time that the man pulled away, putting the taser back in his pocket. I looked around in a frenzy, my arm trembling and shaking as I began to piece together what happened.

The teacher walked to the front of the class again.

I could see my number on the board with the three marks underneath, as well as Pyne's, who had two. We were caught for talking, and I was too distracted by the thought of Kai to notice the man approach me.

I was too distracted to notice the marks appearing on the board.

I looked down to my arm to see it was unintentionally trembling—the two holes in my pale flesh that were directly touched by the taser were surrounded by forming blisters and extremely red, burnt skin.

I could smell the burnt skin.

I tried to pull my aching arm under the desk, but it only caused the limb to erupt in a jolt of pain, leading to a few of the hidden tears to escape my eyes. I whimpered as watered-down, red liquid leaked out of the holes in my flesh.

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