Chapter Twenty-Six

Start from the beginning

"Oh my god." I whispered the words over and over again as I watched Miles take his last breath.

Is this actually happening? Did the Alpha actually kill Miles?

"Y-you killed him." My voice sounded all strange and strangled as if I hadn't been using it for years.

The Alpha ignored me as he kicked Miles's body into the hole. "Clean this up."

The men immediately began filling up the hole as the Alpha stormed over towards me. He gripped my arm tightly and headed towards the parked cars. It was hard to keep up with his pace not only because he was walking too fast but because I kept looking back at the men who were covering up the hole Miles was in.

The Alpha shoved me into a different car to the one I arrived in and to my surprise joined me. The front driver door opened and an unfamiliar man got it.


I practically threw myself to the side of the car, my body clutching onto the passenger side as I tried to create space between me and Alpha Alessandro. My body was trembling uncontrollably and my breathing was so loud and panicked that I knew both men in the car could hear it clearly.

I was finding it difficult to understand what happened today. My brain was hurting from trying to make sense of it all. Where was the body? He was definitely buried there so where did he go? Did my uncle move him? Or did someone else know and move the body?

Trying to think of who it could be, I couldn't come up with an answer and that scared me. What if they started to threaten me like Miles? I don't think I could go through that again.


Miles was dead, he was actually dead. Despite everything that happened I mourned his loss, not because I cared about him but because no matter what he did he didn't deserve to die like that. He must have family or people that loved him, soon they will be looking for him and they'll never know what happened to him and they'll never get closure.

A tear slid down my cheek and the Alpha made a noise. "Don't cry."

I looked at him as he edged closer to me. He lifted his red hand, the hand that was covered in Miles's blood wiped the tear away. I was frozen, I wanted to scream and push him away but I was also scared of what he might do to me if I did that.

I knew what a monster he was before I had met him however when I met him I didn't feel as scared as I should have. At times I found myself enjoying his company but now this was a reminder of what he was and will always be.

He didn't have to kill Miles, he could have 'punished' him some other way. He didn't seem that angry or fazed when there was no body so it wasn't like his emotions and anger took over and he couldn't control himself.

I looked at the hand that was still cupping my face before looking up at him. "You killed him."

"I did."

"You didn't have to kill him." My eyes began to well up. This was my fault, in order to save myself I allowed someone else to die.

The Alpha didn't respond to my statement and instead said this. "Don't cry."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away from him. I didn't want to anger him, though he seemed calm I felt like he could snap at any time like he did earlier.

The rest of the journey was spent in silence. The Alpha moved away and was on his phone while I stared out the window and watched everything go by. I tried to take my mind off it but all I could think of was what happened. When I thought of Miles, a huge wave of sadness and blame filled me up and when I thought of the disappearing body, a huge wave of fear engulfed me.

I was struggling to keep my emotions in check and just wanted to go to sleep in order to give my brain some time to recover from today's events.

Once we arrived at the car, the driver parked up and exited the car. The Alpha left the car while I sat there unsure of what to do.

The passenger side of the door opened and the Alpha looked down at me impatiently. "Get out Nala."

I slowly did what he said and moved away so he could close the door. Wrapping my arms around my body I turned towards the Alpha and followed him into the house.

I thought he would lead me to my room but instead we entered his office.

"When can I go home?" I asked immediately after he closed the door.

"You're not going home Nala."

"B-but there was nothing there. I haven't done anything."

The Alpha let out a low, dark chuckle causing my body to shiver in fear. "You haven't done anything?"

I shook my head as he approached me. "No." I lied.

He gripped the back of my neck and pulled me towards him. His grip was tight but not uncomfortable. "I know where my cousin is."

"You do?"

Where is he?!

"I knew we wouldn't find him there. Do you know why?"

"No." I whispered as a dark look entered the Alpha's eyes.

"Because I moved his body."


A/N: I uploaded early again just as a way to thank you guys for the support and feedback you have been providing me, I love hearing your thoughts so please vote and comment below :)

What do you think is going to happen next? Why did the Alpha move the body? What do you think this means for Nala?

You can read ahead on, the story was updated recently and there are currently 48 chapters there for you to read

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Thank you for reading!

-Kayy xx

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