Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

"I took pictures of them, I have it on my phone." Miles's hand went down to his pocket.

"Do you know the exact location where they buried the body?" The Alpha reaction, or should I say lack of reaction was strange, he seemed unfazed by everything Miles was saying.


"Good. Have you made copies of the pictures?"

Miles shook his head. "Only on my phone."

"Hmm." The Alpha then turned towards me. "Anything you want to say now Nala?"

I couldn't even speak if I wanted to. My throat was tight and dry and I felt like as though I was going to pass out. I shook my head. I didn't know what to say, I couldn't think properly and was struggling to come up with a way to discredit what Miles said.

"Why did you go to Saddleworth Moors?" The Alpha turned his attention back on Miles.

Because he's a stalker!

"I er, wanted to see where they were going."

Alpha Alessandro didn't seem convinced with Miles's answer. "You saw two girls in the middle of the night and followed them?"

Miles didn't know how to answer the question and luckily for him he didn't have to. Beta Kieran knocked on the door and instead of waiting like he usually did, he entered the room with two other men in uniform.

A look of panic flashed across Miles's face and I couldn't help but feel pleasure and happiness seeing him worried and scared.

Now you know how I've been feeling all this time.

"Take him to the cell. Bound and gag him. No one is to interact with him unless I say so." Alpha Alessandro commanded.

As I expected Miles began to protest but there wasn't much he could do against the two Werewolf guards who began to drag him away. I felt a rush of satisfaction when I saw him shouting for help and couldn't help but smile.


The smile dropped from my face and I turned towards the Alpha.

"I don't know what he's talking about. He's crazy." I wanted to beg him for forgiveness and explain what happened but I also wanted to still see if I could get out of this without exposing myself and Cami.

"How do you know the human boy?"

"Oh, erm." I hadn't expected him to ask me about that, I thought he would question me about his cousin and what Miles said. "He goes to my university."

The Alpha raised an eyebrow and gestured for me to continue and that's what I did. I told him about Miles, how I met him and how he has been pestering me ever since. I didn't mention anything about the threatening text messages or calls.

Once I was done, the Alpha told me to go back to my room and stay there. To say I was confused would be an understatement. I had expected the Alpha to lash out, torture me, threaten me or at the very least question me about that Miles said instead he seemed to be just focused on Miles.

I had no idea what that meant. Did he not believe Miles? Maybe he believed him and thought he was in on it too?

If I'm going down I'm going to take him with me. If the Alpha does take Miles seriously and believes him, I would lie and tell the Alpha that Miles knew and helped us. There was a strong chance the Alpha wouldn't believe me but it was worth a try. Cami and I could have been okay if it wasn't for that twat. I wanted him to suffer too.

I spent the rest of the night and the next morning pacing the room and thinking of ways to come out of this alive. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't come up with anything to get both Cami and I out of this alive. I had to stick to the plan I came up with at the start and tell the Alpha that I had killed his cousin and Cami was roped in to help. I would tell him how I forced her to help me and how she wanted nothing to do with it.

No one came into the room all day and no food was provided either. I wondered if the punishment and torture had started and this was the first step- starvation. Thankfully I still had the bottles of water in the room so dying of thirst wasn't a possibility- yet.

It was late in the afternoon when Beta Kieran walked in and judging by the look on his face I knew nothing good would come out from his visit.

"Let's go."

"Where are we going?" I asked as I remained still.

"Saddleworth Moors."

I felt my heart drop. The Alpha believed Miles.

"He's crazy." I whispered. "I didn't do anything he said."

Beta Kieran didn't look like he gave a shit about what I had just said and instead ordered me to follow him. I felt as though my mind was in a weird thick fog, everything around me was blurry and the noises were muffled.

It was hard to focus on what was in front of me when my mind was this hazy. I followed Beta Kieran through the house without a word and into a black sleek car that was waiting out front. There were other a couple of other cars there too but I barely paid any attention to them.

The journey was horrendous, my mind cleared up and all I could think about was how fucked was. I wanted to cry at how unfair life was. It wasn't like we had planned to do this, me and Cami were good people and we didn't deserve this. We had never intentionally hurt anyone or done anything horrific yet bad things kept happening to us.

Why does bad things happen to good people?

All the cars stopped and a few men including Alpha Alessandro and Miles stepped out. I didn't want to exit the car, I didn't want to walk through the moor and relive that dreadful night. I leaned against the seat and closed my eyes. I could hear Beta Keiran asking to me leave the car but I ignored him.

"Get out Nala." Beta Kieran sounded annoyed.

"I don't want to." I whispered, trying to keep myself calm and collected.

"Now or I'll drag you out." He threatened.

I hesitantly stepped out of the car, the grass underneath my shoes squelching, and closed the door. I looked back and wondered how far I could run before they caught up with me. As if he was reading my thoughts, Beta Kieran grabbed my arm and began walking. "Don't even think about it."

The first thing I noticed when we joined the others who were waiting for us was that the grass looked uneven everywhere and a lot different from when I last saw it. Then again the last time I was here it was the middle of the night and we were using torches.

"It was around here." Miles told the Alpha pointing at a spot near a large rock.


"Start digging." Alpha Alessandro ordered.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from them, it didn't seem real. It was hard to comprehend that there were men digging the same spot where we had buried a body weeks ago. It took us ages to dig the hole but these men did it so quickly and with such ease.

Hugging my body tightly, I watched in fear as the hole got bigger and bigger. I knew they would find the body soon and I didn't want to see it. It was hard to pull my eyes away from what they were doing but that's what I did. I looked away as the men continued for a couple of more minutes, the sound of the shovel hitting the ground over and over again was loud and intense.

The men stopped and I had no control over my eyes that swung immediately to where they were digging.

I gasped as I looked down at the large hole.

There was nothing there.


A/N: I uploaded early! 

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Thank you for reading!

-Kayy xx

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