26 | video purpose causing a chaos

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“Jungwon ... Please ..”

"I'm begging you , please ...”

”Please take a good care of Yunju once i gone ...”

"I'm sorry for lying to you and secretly dating with Yunju ...”

"w-when you two were still a couple ...”

"It's my fault, but she's very precious to me ,,”

"So please ,Take care of Yunju for me”

Hot tears flowed on Jungwon's cheeks , the wounds on his elbow and forehead didn't even hurt him as droplets of crimson blood dripping onto the hospital floor .

"Byeongho , don't say that .. you will survive! "

"Please don't leave me like this, we just met again after years !" 
Jungwon's voice cracked .

"Promise me , Jungwon ? Please , for me . Please take a good care of Yunju ..."
Byeongho uttered again , holding back his pains .

Nurses and doctors started scolding Byeongho for refusing to enter the operating room so he quickly nodded so that Byeongho agreed to enter.

"I will take a good care of Yunju , don't worry hm ?"

"Please come back to us , Byeongho..."

Byeongho smiled to his friend , a painful smile . The last smile before he was pushed into the operating room .

And after he entered the operating room, he never came out again with the same smile .

Only his body covered with a white cloth was pushed out of the operating room.  Yunju and his family gathered around him, crying and screaming their lungs out .

And Jungwon, just stood there because he didn't feel strong enough to approach Byeongho's body.  He sobbed and cried at the corner.

Yunju saw Jungwon who was crying, the girl rushed to him and pushed Jungwon's body to the wall, not at all worried that the boy was also injured and had just finished receiving treatment .

She looked at Jungwon with a sharp look, a vengeful rage overcame her.
"Stop crying, I'm disgusted with your fake tears"

"You don't deserve a friend like Byeongho ... "

Jungwon sobbed harder, the feeling of this friend's disappearance really hurt him.  He just lowered his head and clenched his fists .
"I'm so sorry, Yunju. It's not intentional"

Yunju scoffed in disbelief ,
"Byeongho died because of you ,"

Jungwon lay on his soft bed , facing the ceiling as the old memories knocked his mind again .

Tears began to sting his eyes, lamenting his longing for his friend .

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