Part 97 - The Article

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*After freshening up a bit, you grab your phone and sit down on your bed*

*You unlock your phone and hundreds of messages are appearing*

*What's going on?*

*You open a link to an article one of your friends has send you*


*You sigh. Are you kidding?*

*Your quickly scan the article with your eyes, but stop at a specific paragraph, which refers to another article*


*What the hell...?*

*Your finger quickly clicks on the linkand you start reading the article*

Y/n: He did what...?

*They wrote a whole article with inside information from Liam?*

*Your phone slips through your fingers on your lap and you start breathing heavily again*

*He claims you were the unstable one in the relationship. You were the one who pressured him to do things*

*It was you who put him in jail*

*And he wants to let the world know how mentally unstable you are*

*Liam turned the whole story around... It's his way of letting you know he's not done with you*

*You get up from the bed and stand still in front of the window, trying to calm yourself down by looking at the surroundings*

*What kind of game is he playing? What does he want from you?*

*You feel your legs shaking underneath you and you know you should sit down. You have to let it sink in*

*A knock sounds on the door, and you look anxiously at it*

*What if it's Liam?*

*Filled with fear, you walk over to the door and look through the peaking hole, where you see the head of your brother*

*Thank God, it's just Max*

*You open the door and Max looks at you*

Max: You've read it, haven't you?

Y/n: I don't understand... Why would he do something like this...?

*Your voice starts to shake*

Max: He wants the fame. That's all he wants

*Max walks into your room and stands still opposite you*

*You close the door and turn around towards him*

Y/n: So now what? I have to tell the truth to the whole world? Even when I don't want to relive it all again...?

Max: I don't know. We should talk to Red Bull and Erin. They'll know what to do

Y/n: I can't believe it... I refuse to believe it... I'm not ready to share it Max. I didn't even share it all with Lucy. Or with George. What would they even think of me...?

Max: Hey, shhh. It's okay. Don't worry about them. The main priority is that you're okay. It's just an article. It won't hurt you

Y/n: But it does Max. It does hurt me. How is he able to do all of this...? All of this cruelty?

Max: I know... He's sick inside his head. But it will be fine Y/n. Red Bull will fix it. Trust me

*You nod slowly, not believing it at all. No one is able to fix it. Again Liam knows exactly how to fuck you up*

*He always knew your weak spots*

*And yet another reason why you should never let someone in again*

*But is it worthy to keep your walls up forever?* 

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