Part 25 - Once

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Max: It's fucking race day and I should be concentrating on that, but I'm more worried about this now

*You walk towards Max and stand still before him*

Y/n: I'm going to explain this once

Y/n: Last afternoon I went sightseeing with him, just as you agreed to

Y/n: We talked about movies and yesterday evening he asked me to watch one of the few we discussed.

Y/n: And since you were out, I said yes. We watched the movie and fell asleep. Nothing more, nothing less.

Y/n: That's the story and stop complaining about it

*Max looks doubtfully at you*

Max: I don't like this Y/n, not at all

Y/n: Well, get over it. It's my life and I have to life it. Not you

Max: Yeah and who do you run to if something goes wrong? 

Max: Exactly. Me. 

Max: So it does concern me as well. I have to fix it every time

Y/n: Every time? IT WAS ONCE MAX! ONCE!

Max: And that guy fucked you up for months Y/n! You weren't the old you after that! I don't want you to be like that again!

Y/n: And you really think I would be heartbroken after one fucking movie night?! No Max, just...

Y/n: Argh!

*You grab your stuff and walk to the door*

*Before you open the door, you turn around one more time*

Y/n: You don't have to watch over me all the time okay? I can take care of myself

Y/n: Good luck with the race

*Then you leave the room*

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